Page:A SEA Dyak Dictionary in alphabetical parts, with examples and quotations shewing the use and meaning of words.pdf/30

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Bekedugau, to sit idle (of many persons).

Bekedumu, talking in a low voice.

Bekedunga, many sitting together and doing nothing.

Bekejang (see kejang}, to start upon a journey (either in a boat or by land), clear off, push off. Bala nyau bekejang. The army has cleared off. Bekejang ari tebing. To push off from the bank.

Bekejapi, scattered about. Bekejapi a sidi bilik. Cooked rice is scattered about in the room.

Bekejeloh, many walking to and fro'.

Bekejutak, see bekejapi.

Bekekah (see kekah}, to bite. Gergasi begigi tegar bekekah. The demon fanged with teeth powerful for biting.

Bekelam-ai (see selam}, to have a diving contest.

Bekelechi, wet here and there (as on a mat).

Bekelenga, to be without a cover (as a cooking pot, etc.)

Bekelengap, to appear idiotic, be silent.

Bekelenggi, to sit idle.

Bekelenggak, to listen to a speaker atten­tively (of many persons).

Bekelidak, laid (as a table ready for guests).

Bekelindak, appearing, showing up, visi­ble. Bekelindak tanggoi sida ti mantun ditumai. The sun hats of those weeding the paddy are showing up.

Bekelinga, see bekelenga.

Bekelulut, to be of one company.

Bekelunggak, to bob up and down (of boats, floats, etc. under the influence of waves).

Bekenanas (see bekunda}, to exert one­self.

Bekenaya, obscure, not apparent.

Bekendak(see kendak}, to commit adultery.

Bekenelap, to be friendly with a person (i. e. to give and receive presents). Iya bekenelap enggau aku. He is friendly with me.

Bekengkang (see kengking}, to be striped.

Bekening (see kening}, to have a forehead, slope, or bank. Tanah nya bekening. That land has a slope.

Bekenining, falling in drops (as tears).

Bekenyalang or betenyalang, to hold the final head feast during which a figure of the Hornbill ( Tenyalang} is exhibited on the sum­mit of a lofty pole.

Bekeraong, the voices of many persons calling to one another.

Bekerengkong, the noise of hammering or beating. Bekerengkong sida ngaga rumah. There is a sound of hammering, they are building a house.

Bekerising, to laugh quietly and joke, to grin. Sida enggai badu bekerising. They will not cease laughing.

Bekerong (see krong}, to have holes, howl like dogs. Tanah tu bekerong magang. This earth is full of holes.

Bekerundai, to grow downwards (as or­ chids).

Beketeking, loud sounding (as a gong). Beketekul, many persons coughing at the same time.

Beketeling (see teteling}, to have many holes.

Beketemu, to be acquainted with, meet. Amat sida diau semak rumah kami utang kami enda beketemu enggau sida. Truly they live near our house but we are not acquainted with them.

Beketepak, to fall incessantly (as fruits, or people in a panic dropping down a steep place).

Beketimbong, see bekechimbong.

Beketrak, all talking at the same time.

Bekilong, to be crooked.

Bekindu, to warm oneself at a fire place. Bekindu ditu unggal, Come and warm your­ self here, friend.

Bekranggak, many lying about with their legs in different positions. Bekrekoh, to make a sound as of a branch breaking.

Bekriap, many (of children, young birds, or animals). Bekriap anak aku. My children are many.

Bekrik (see krik}, to quarrel, squabble, disagree.

Bekuap (see knap}, mouldy. Tepong nyau bekuap. The flour is mouldy.

Bekuba, or bekampi, mixed up (as the good with the bad, the ripe with the unripe, etc.)

Bekunda or bekundas, to exert oneself, set one’s heart on a thing. Chit di tisi langit bekunda ngasu, rusa di pala tangga enda ditunu. A rat on the horizon one exerts oneself to pur­sue, but a deer at the top of the staircase is not cooked (lit. burnt).

Bekundas, see bekunda.

Bekuroh (see kuroh}, to snore. Iya be­kuroh tindok. He snores in his sleep.

Bel-, the inseparable particle (see B).

Belaba or plaba, to think, surmise. Aku belaba kanuan datai ditu kamari. I thought you were coming here yesterday.

Belaba (see laba) to use as an omen, Sida bumai belaba ka plandok. They farm and make use of the mouse-deer as an omen.

Belaboh (see laboh), to anchor, commence, start, shoot a rapid. Kapal api belaboh di nanga. Steamers anchor at the mouth. Kami apin belaboh bumai. We have not yet com­menced to farm. Kami meda sida belaboh di wong Entawa lalu karam dia. We saw them shoot the Entawa rapid and capsize there. Belaboh alu, see alu.

Belai (see ai}, adj. watery, v. to have water, leak. Bangkongnya belai. That boat leaks.

Belajar, (see ajar,} to learn. Iya belajar nulis. He learns to write.

Belaku, see laku.

Belaku, to assist in carrying any burden. Aram kitai belaku ka buah rian ti dima iya Come and help to carry the durians he is carrying.