Page:A SEA Dyak Dictionary in alphabetical parts, with examples and quotations shewing the use and meaning of words.pdf/31

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Belala, unsatisfied. Kami agi belala makai asi enda ambos. We are still not satisfied (as) the cooked rice is not sufficient.

Belalai (see lalai), to hide, conceal. Iya belalai ka aku. He hides from me.

Belalang (bebelalang), a snake, half fledg­ed (of young birds).

Belamasin, to attend diligently to one’s own affairs. Samoa belamasin ngereja pengawa diri. Every one attends diligently to his own business.

Belamatang, straight, directly towards.

Belamati (see ati, or beati-ati}, to think of any person or thing.

Belambang (see lambang}, alternately, not regularly. Iya turun belambang hari, He does not work regularly at his farm.

Belamlam, before dawn.

Belanchau (see anchau}, to spread a mat, make a bed.

Belanda (see pelanda}, to run. Iya dras belanda. He runs swiftly.

Belangkah, (see langkah}, to pace, walk, dance the mencha dance.

Belantan (bebelantan), a staff. Pua belantan. A Saribas cloth embroidered at the ends with figures, etc., used as a sash.

Belanyawan, spread, open as a mat. Peda, udah bclanyawan tikai rotan. See, the rotan mat is spread.

Belapang (see lapang}, to have spaces between, at intervals, seldom. Iya belapang turun. H e seldom goes to the paddy farm.

Belawa or 'belelawa (see pelawa), to run. Iya belazva ngagai jani. He runs after a pig.

Belaya (see laya}, to quarrel, (in warfare) to fight.

Belayan (see bebelayan}, a clump of trees, grass, etc. Kami kamari mansa belayan tebu luar bendar. Yesterday we passed a clump of sugar-cane that was very thick (lit. wide).

Belayau, a jungle fowl; a proper name, f. Belay ar (see layar}, to shed leaves, win­ now paddy, sail a boat.

Belabaga, a swelling caused by the sting of an insect.

Belebigau, giddy. Belebigau pala aku. My head is giddy.

Belega (see pelega}, v. to stop for a little while, s. a temporary divorce. Kimi tu belega ngetau labanpadi apin mansau. We stop har­vesting for a little while as the paddy is not yet ripe. Kami tu belega laban bisi jai mimpi. We have divorced temporarily as we had a bad dream.

Belelang, to go to a far country. Kini ka laki nuan belelang I Iya belelang ka. menoa Sabah ngeta. Where has your husband gone ? He has gone to British North Borneo to look for gutta.

Belelawa, see belawa.

Belemai (see lemai}, to work at night in the house.

Beleman (see leman} fanciful, to have many sorts, kinds, or colours, to have any affair (e. g. a lawsuit), reckoning, or social intercourse with a person. Beleman bendar. Very fanci­ful. Anang beleman. Do not play the fool.

Beleman utai dipeda aku. I saw many kinds of things. Pua indu nya beleman bendar. That woman’s blanket has many colours. Sida beleman enggau diri sama diri utai mimit ka dipechara. They have a lawsuit with one another and want to bring a small matter into court. Kuan tu bangat bele­man enggau aku. You have such a rec­koning with me. [Note euphemistic use. Iya beleman enggau anak iya. He has inter­course with his daughter (or, has committed incest].

Belembong, to flourish (like plants, trees, etc.)

Belempak-luak, uneven.

Belian (see pelian), to doctor by means of magic (a manang practice).

Belikau, striped (of a python’s markings).

Belingau (bebelingau), a species of lily numerous on river banks (the leaves of which are used for wrapping purposes).

Belingkok (see lingkok}, crooked, curved.

Belit (v. f. melit; bebelit}, to tie round, entangle, delude, Iya melit ka sirat. He ties on his waist-cloth. Iya melit aku enggau jako. He deludes me with words. Ulas melit kaki aku. A snake winds round my leg.

Beloh {bebloh}, a very small species of fresh-water fish.

Beluit (see luit}, entwined, s. a tempor­ary divorce.

Belulang, leather.

Belum, not yet, by-and-by, in the future. Enti bisi belum meda. If there be we shall see it. Enti aku bisi bini dalam aku madah kadiri bujang di kita kita belum ninga ari orang. If I have a wife when I tell you 1 am a bachelor you will hear from people.

Belut {bebelut}, a worm.

Bembai, or bemban, a species of rush or coarse grass used for making mats {tikai bemban).

Bembing, persons walking together and holding hands.

Bempu (see empu}, to own, possess.

Bemunsoh (see munsoh), to oppose, fight against, have or be an enemy. Menya kami Batang Ai bemunsoh enggau Kantu. Former­ly we Batang Ai were enemies of the Kantu people.

Bena {bebena}, a tidal wave.

Benama, conj. if, whenever, ever, adj. (see nama) important, having a name. Iya orang benama. He is an important man.

Benang (bebenang), thread.

Benat, flat sound, indistinct, too full. Nyawa tetawak nya benat. The sound of that tetawak is flat. Benat jako iya. He talks indistinctly.

Benatang (bebenatang), an animal. Benatang utai. Anything.

Benchi, to hate, abhor.

Benchin, rotten.

Benchol, a swelling.

Benda (bebenda), earthenware, a jar, a bet (either in money or jars). Iya alah beselam lalu