Page:A SEA Dyak Dictionary in alphabetical parts, with examples and quotations shewing the use and meaning of words.pdf/32

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ehggai nyua ka benda. He was beaten in diving but did not hand over the bet.

Bendai or bebendai (bebebendai), a chanangj.Q. a brass instrument like a gong but with a boss in the centre.)

Bendang see endang.

Bendang, bendang-bendang, or bebendang, glittering white.

Bendar (v. f. ngemendar; bebendar}, adv. truly, verily, indeed, adj. true, v. to make true, fulfil. Bendar bendar aku madah ka nuan. Verily, verily, I say unto thee. Iya ngemendar ka semaia iya ti dulu enggau aku. He fulfilled his former promise to me.

Bendit-endit, to move or shuffle the feet constantly.

Bendol (bebendol}, a cross-beam.

Bengah, tired, fatigued. Nyau bengah kaki bejalai. The legs are fatigued through walking. Aku nyau bengah ninga ka iya. I am tired of hearing him.

Bengal or benggal, deaf.

Bengeh, asthma.

Benggal or bengal, deaf.

Benggi (see enggi}, to own, possess. Iya benggi manok . He owns the fowl.

Bengkah (v. f. mengkah; bebengkah}, s. a division, class, lot, v. to put aside. Iya mengkah ka utai diri. He puts aside his own things.

Bengkak (v. f. mengkak}, s. tumour, v. to swell. Jari aku nadai kena nama-nama lain mengkak kadiri. Nothing happened to my hand but it swelled up.

Bengkang (bebengkang), the slow Lemur, a small nocturnal animal (Nycticebus tardigradus).

Bengkelulut, see bek'elulut.

Bengkong (v. f. mengkong; bebengkong), s. the inside support of a fish trap {bubu} made ring-shaped of a creeper, an edging or rim to anything such as a native sun-hat (/«wggz’z), or basket (raga}, v. to make such.

Benih (v. f. menih ; bebenih}, s. seed, v. to sow. Leboh aku nugal maioh indu menih. When I was engaged in “dibbling” many women were sowing. Benjir, to rain constantly.

Benoa or menoa (bebenoa, or bemenoa), country, district, native land.

Benong, whilst, when, in the midst, in the middle, during, half way, in the prime of life. Benong aku makai iya datai. Whilst I was eating he came. Iya benong bejako anang ngeruga iya. He is in the midst of his dis­ course do not disturb him. Tu benong pangka iya. This is the middle of his top. Kami benong ngetau. We are in the middle of our harvest. Ai benong surut. It is half ebb. Apai agi benong orang. Father is still in the prime of life.

[Note.—Strictly speaking benong means the time when there is most of a thing. Be­nong tajau. The middle part of a jar (be­cause that is the part where a jar is largest). Benong pasang. The middle of the flood (because that is when the water is swiftest)].

Bentai (bebentai), s. split canes worn by Dyak women round the waist; a proper name, m,, v. to have split canes round the waist. Bentai tali. String tied rounda woman’s waist signifying deep mourning.

Bental (v. f. mental; bebental}, to tie the petticoat just below the heart (when enceinte), to conceal anything in the waist cloth.

Bentali or betentali, continuous, united. Ujan laboh betentali. The rain falls continu­ously. Bentali sida bejalai. They united when they walked.

Bentan, a pain in the stomach caused by over-eating.

Bentang (v. f. mentang; bebentang), to stretch a rope across a river or road. [An old custom in vogue when an epidemic is raging in the country down-river.]

Bentanglang, commencing to walk (of a child).

Bentaroh (see entaroh}, to bet.

Bentok (bebentok), the numeral co-efficient to express anything round. Tinchin tiga ben­tok. Three rings.

Bentup, disinclined, lazy. Bentup tulang iya. He is disinclined to work.

Bentur (v. f. mentur; bebentur}, to bend.

Benyawa, see nyawa.

Benyut (bebenyut}, to shake, quake, rock, quiver. Rumah iya nadai tungkat nya alai iya bebenyut. His house has no supports (between the posts) that is the reason why it shakes. Paya di umai kami bebenyut endor kitai bejalai nya alai padi kami enda tumboh. The wet land at our paddy farm shakes if one walks upon it, that is the reason our paddy did not grow.

Bepadong, see padong.

Bepagi (see pagi}, to go very early to a place.

Bepait (y&e pepait}, to send. Aku bepait samakau ka indai. I send tobacco to mother.

Bepak or 'beprak, to quarrel noisily.

Bepaka (see paka), to speak loud.

Bepakan (see pakan), to have the woof and warp confused, hence confused, com­-mingled.

Bepalan (see palan), to remain for a short or definite time at Some place. Aku bepalan di rumah China. I put up for a short time in a Chinese house.

Bepancha (see pancha), to wrestle with the fingers, perform a manang ceremony.

Bepanga (see panga), to divide, have branches. Penyelai ai Sabu, nyadi bepanga dua. The Sabu stream is a curious one, it divides into two.

Bepangka (see pangka), to play peg top, strike, dash against. Anembiak rindu bepang­ ka di tengah laman. The boys like to play peg top in the cleared space near the house.

Bepaong (see paong), to have young plants or shoots. [Note. As regards fines it expresses insufficiency. Tunggu tu agi bepa­ong agi beujong. There still remains some­thing to complete the fine].

Bepeling (see peling), to go round.

Bepending (see pending}, to have ears.

Bepending singit, to listen attentively.