Page:A SEA Dyak Dictionary in alphabetical parts, with examples and quotations shewing the use and meaning of words.pdf/35

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The manang have gone to the room to examine (the patient).

Besugi (see sugi} to cast lots.

Besumpin (see sumpin}, to wear earrings. Indu nya bestimpin. That woman wears ear­ rings.

Besumping (see sumping}, to pierce a fowl’s nostrils with a piece of bamboo, etc., (this is done to prevent it pecking at growing paddy). Manok nya asoh besumping. Elave the nostrils of that fowl pierced.

Besundang (see sundang}, to exchange gifts, return a visit, have things alternately arranged (heads and tails like sardines in a box). Siduai melaki bini barn sakali besundangpu­ lut. The couple, man and wife, have only once exchanged visits. [The husband has only once visited his wife’s parents, and the wife has only once visited her husband’s parents]. Ramtt rumah iya besundang. The material of his house is put together alternate­ ly (i. e. the thick with the thin ends).

Besut, blind.

Betaban (see taban}, to elope. Iya betaban enggau anak aku ka Kuching. Lie eloped with my daughter to Kuching.

Betabas, the preliminary consultation of the manang before the belian ceremony.

Betada (see tada}, to have spurs (of fight­ ing cocks).

Betah (v. f. ngemetah}, a long time, v. not to feel lonely or homesick. Aku betah udah bumai dia. A long time ago I farmed there. Iya betah nyelam. He dives (i. e. re­mains under water) a long time. Aku cnda betah nemuai. I feel homesick when I go on a visit. Iya betah nemuai. He does not feel homesick when he is on a visit. Iya ngemetah kadiri belelang. He does not feel homesick when he leaves his country.

Betaka (see taka}, to have a limit or boundary. Ditu menoa kami lietaka. Here our country has its boundary.

Betakah (see takah}, at some distance, at in­ tervals. Rumah kami betakah. Our houses are at some distance from one another. Iya betakah ngosong aku. Lie calls upon me at intervals.

Betalat, to and fro’, reiterated. Betalat sida bejalai. They walked to and fro’. Jako betalat. Reiterated speech.

Batampong aiyu, Batampong aiyu, or, betampong sukat, a ceremony, much resembling that of the besaut, which the manang perform when a person is unwell or has had a bad dream.

Betandai or betandang, to go on a visit, Aku mina nemuai betandai. I am simply on a visit.

Betandang, see betandai.

Betandok (see tandok}, to have horns or projections, cup or bleed to relieve certain ill­ness. Paia aku barn wyamai laban kamari aku barn udah betandok. My headache is bet­ter since I was bled yesterday.

Betanggoh (see tanggoh}, to put off, delay, make excuse. Anang betanggoh ka bechara nuan. Do not put off your case. Iya betanggoh kadiri sakit. He makes excuse for himself being ill.

Betangkai (see tangkai}, to have ears (of grain), have bunches (of fruit). Jako betang­kai. Endless talk. Padi kami nyau betang­ kai. Our paddy is in ear. Sibau ti dienjok iya ka aku betangkai. The sibau fruit that he gave me was in bunches.

Betangkal (see tangkal}, to have a notch in an upright post so that a cross-bar can rest on it.

Betangkong (see tangkong}, to have an excrescence on the bill, as the Hornbill.

Betangkin (see tangkin}, to wear a sword.

Betanya (see tanya}, to make inquiry, be upon speaking terms. Kami duai udah belaya endaagi betanya enggaupangan diri- We two have quarrelled and are not any more upon speaking terms with each other.

Betap (see tap}, to accumulate. Pupu kami betap. Our door-tax has accumulated.

Betapak (see tapak}, to coincide.

Betapeh (see tapeh}, to be one above the other. Papan betapeh nya dia. The planks there are one above the other.

Betapis or betapeh (see tapis).

Betarak, to learn to do anything, talk in­ cessantly. Anak aku betarak mocha surat. My son is learning to read.

Betatam (see tatam}, assembled. Bala betatam di Lubok Antu. The army assembled at Lubok Antu.

Betawa, mad, insane. Nuan tu nyau betawa. You are mad.

Betawai, a ceremony performed by ma­nang.

Betebu (see tebu}, to have sunbeams. Baka tikus bekutu, baka mayau betebu. As a rat has lice, as a cat has sunbeams.

Betegetok, to murmur, make a noise (of several persons talking at once).

Betegutak (see gutak}, to shake as if palsied. Paia indu nya betegutak. That wo­man’s head shakes.

Betekak or betekau, to shout out to a companion loudly when in the jungle. Ny­awa sida didinga betekak. Their voices were heard loudly calling out to one another.

Betekaong, to call to one another. Nya­wa sida didinga aku betekaong di kampong. I heard their voices calling to one another in the old jungle.

Betekating, suspending.

Betekejah (see kejah-kejah}, to denote the sound of the footsteps of several persons walk­ing.

Betekitang, see betekating.

Betelai (see telai}, to whisper.

Betelangkas, stripped of awnings.

Betelili, noisy.

Betelingkas, without any luggage.

Betelipi, to shew fluency.

Betemadok, uneven. Tanah nya betema­dok That land is uneven.

Betemayan (see ayan}, scattered about. Utai betemayan di langkau sida. Things are scattered about in their hut.

Eetembong, to be patchy. Umai sida betembong nyadi. Their paddy farms only grow in patches.