Page:A SEA Dyak Dictionary in alphabetical parts, with examples and quotations shewing the use and meaning of words.pdf/36

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Betemera, see betemayan.

Betempangan (see tempangan}, still thick and without an edge (as a newly forged weap­ on). Duku nuan tu agi betempangan. Your chopper is still thick and without an edge.

Betemu, to meet. Aku betemu enggau sanu tadi madah ka Raja udah datai. I met so-andso just now and he told me that the Rajah had come.

Betenah (see petenah}, to make a false accusation, utter a scandal. Betengelang, striped.

Betengik (see tengik} to dispute, wrangle, quarrel.

Betentali, see bentali.

Betenyalang, see bekenyalang.

Beteri. the crooning noise a fowl makes.

Beteruan, to hide, conceal.

Betelisih, not to coincide, to pass without meeting. Jako kami betelisih, iya ngasoh sida bumai aku enda nyagi. Our conversation does not coincide, he orders them to farm (but) I do not want them to do so. Betentali, clever at versification.

Betentang, opposite.

Beterangau, crying out loud, calling to one another.

Beteratak, a peculiar cry a fowl makes when victorious.

Betindih, adjacent, near.

Beting (bebeting), a sandbank, shoal.

Betingga (see tingga}, to wear earrings. Orang Bugau enda betingga. The Bugau people do not wear earrings.

Betingkah (see tingkah}, to be unequal. Peninggi puchok tapang betingkah ari puchok kayu bukai. The height of the top of a ta­pang tree cannot be equalled by the top of any other tree. Betingkah peninggi siduai. Their heights are not equal.

Betigong (see tigong), to have young shoots or suckers (of such trees as mulong, pisang, etc.). Apin mati mulong agi betigong. The sago tree is not dead as there remain the suckers.

Betigong (see tigong}, to brush against a person in order to show one’s contempt. Benama sida betemu lain betigong. When­ ever they meet they show contempt for one another.

Betiris (see tiris}, to inherit.

Betis (bebetis'), the leg, calf of the leg.

Betoklai, see betelai.

Betong, a large species of bamboo used for carrying water ; the name of the chief village in the Saribas.

Betu, burnt, scalded. Priok tungkup lain jari iya betu. The pot was overturned and his hand was scalded.

Betuah (see tuah), to be lucky, fortunate. Betuah iya bedagang. II e is fortunate in trad­ing.

Betuai, to serve. Anang betuai ka antu. Do not serve the spirits.

Betugang (see tugang}, to have an edging or border. Pua iya betugang badas amai. His sheet has a very beautiful edging.

Betugau (see tugau), to have trees left standing in the paddy farm. [This word has hence come to be used of a man or woman who has several divorced wives or husbands still living].

Betugong (see tugoug), to heap up.

Betuju (see tuju), to aim at, coincide. Jako siduai betuju. Their words coincide.

Betuku (see tuku), in a proper manner, fit, fitting, certain, sure, trustworthy. Bejako betuku nuan I Talk properly ! Jalai lama enda betuku. The old road is not in a fit state. Betuku rita nya ? Is that news certain ? /ya orang betuku. He is a trustworthy person.

Betul, true, in truth. Betul orang tu ngenchuri utai nuan. In truth this man stole your things.

Betulak (see tulak), to launch, shove off, (of companions) to leave a place and go in opposite directions. Pagi tadi sida betulakpegi. This morning they left on their journey going in opposite directions.

Betunda (see tunda}, to follow, imitate, tow a boat. Sida betunda ngasu. They are following the custom of hunting. Sida betuhda mangah. They are imitating one another in being bad-tempered.

Betunda-udi, to follow one after the other, walk in Indian-file. Sida bejalai betun­da-udi. They walk in Indian-file. Kita makai betzmda-udi. You eat one after the other.

Betunga (see tunga}, to be face to face, meet, interview, turn towards. Kami dual kamari betunga moa minta anak iya jadi ka anka aku. Yesterday we met face to face when I asked for his daughter to marry my son. Raja kamari ngasoh kami betunga enggau iya. Yesterday the Rajah ordered us to meet him.

Betusi or betusoi (see tusi or tusoi), to narrate, relate.

Betutus (see tutus}, to be circumcised after the Dyak custom, Iya apin tau bebini laban apin betutus. He cannot yet be married for he has not yet been circumcised.

Beulang-ulang, to go backwards and forwards. Iya enggai badu beulang-ulang ka Simanggang. He ceases not going to and from Simanggang.

Bia (v. f. mia; bebia}, to put aside, set apart. Iya mia ka aku sa pasti padi. Ide put aside a pasu measure of paddy for me.

Biak (v. f. miak; bebiak), adj. young (of living creatures), v. to make young, rejuve­nate. Apai iya agi biak. His father is still young. Iya miak kadiri begulai enggau orang bujang. Ide passes himself off as a young man by mixing with the bachelors.

Bias, a rain storm accompanied by wind, thunder, and lightning. Endor kitai lari ka bias glombang nyadi. The place we took shel­ter in from the storm and raging sea.

Biau (v. f. miau ; bebiau), to wave (usually expresses the ceremony of waving a fowl over guests, patients, and married couples). Iya miau pengabang enggau manok labang. He waves a white fowl over the heads of the guests. Bibat, to wrestle, embrace. Sida sarumah kuat bibat. They of the same house are con­stantly wrestling.