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Chap. VI.]

extremities — all movable — 59 in the trunk, and 80 in the head and neck. The joints are bound together by 900 Snayus (ligaments), thus distributed : 600 in the upper and lower extremities, 230 in the trunk, and 70 in the head.

There are altogether 700 vessels in the body, with sixteen larger ones called Kandaras, and twenty-four called Dhamanis. Wind, bile, blood and phlegm have each a number of vessels assigned to them. The human body also comprises sixteen Jalas or plexuses, six Koorchas (larger glands ?), four Rajjus or chordlike structures, seven Seevanis or sutures which should never be bored, fourteen bone-groups, fourteen Simantas or supporters of the groups and seven layers of skin. The names of the seven layers are : —

Avabhasini, containing the vessels. Its thickness is one eighteenth of a barley corn. It is so called because it "shines" by the bile called Bhrajaka.

Lohita (blood-red) is the sixteenth part of barley in thickness. It is in this layer that pimples originate.

Shveta (white) is of a white colour, and is one-twelfth part of a barley grain in thickness. It is the seat of cutaneous eruptions.