Page:A Short History of the World.djvu/437

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Index 417 Beaconsfleld, Lord, 374 Bedouins, 118, 237 Beetles, 25 Behar, 172, 408 Behring Straits, 51, 69, 71 Bel Marduli, 107, 109, 110 Belsium, 177, 327, 329, 334, 390, 413 Belisarius, 409 Pelsliazzar, 109, 110 Beluchist9n, 142 Benares, 149, 153 Beneventutn, 171 Berbers, 69, 90 Bergen, 279 Berlin, Treaty of, 413 Bermuda. 386 Bessemer process, 341 Beth-shan, 114 Bible, 1, 64, 98, 109, 112, 113, 116, 118, 175, 272, 283, 290. (Cf. Hebrew Bible) Birds, flight of, 4 ; the earliest, 30 ; development ol, 31 Bison, 54 Black Death, the, 411 Black Sea, 69, 92, 106, 124, 191 Blood sacrifice, 159, 178, 202. (See aUo Sacrifice) Boats, 89, 130 Boer republic, 179 Boers, 378 Bohemia, 226, 290 Bohemians, 288, 309 Bokhara, 244 Boleyn, Anne, 297 Bolivar, General, 332 Bologna, 280, 296 Bolsheviks (and Bolshevism), 396-8, 413 Bone carvings, 51 Bone implements, 43, 44 Boniface VIII, Pope, 270 " Book religions," 215 Books, 146, 283, 287 Bootes, 245 Boris, King of Bulgaria, 410 Bosnia, 218 Bosphoms, 129 Boston, 320 Bostra, 233 Botany Bay, 373 Bourbon, Constable of, 296, 411 Bowmen, 139, 148, 285 Brahmins and Brahminism, 157, 158 Brain, 40 Brazil, 312, 319, 323 Breathing, 22, 23 Brest-Litovsk, 396 Britain, 104, 118, 166, 177, 194, 226, 332, 336, 382, 409, 412. (See also England, Great Britain) British, 312, 314 British Civil Air Transport Commission, 344 British East India Company. (See East India Companv) British Empire 386 ; (in 1815) 373 ; (in 1914) 384 British Guiana, 373 British Navy, 387 " British schools," the, 350 Brittany, 293 Broken Hill, South Africa, 49 Bronze, 78, 85, 99, 102 Bruges, 279 Brussels, 326 Brvthonic Celts, 105 Buda-Pesth, 296 Buddha, 127, 149, 162, 204, 408 ; life of, 150 ; his teaching, 153-4 Buddhism (and Buddhists), 158, 164, 212, 244, 276, 303, 317, 380. (See also Buddha) Bulgaria, 129, 219, 234, 276, 390, 410 Bull fights, Cretan, 91 Burgoyne. General, 321 Burgundy, 293. 325 • Burial, earlv, 100, 102 Burleigh, Lord. 308 Burma, 158, 284, 384 Burning the dead, 102 Bury, J. B., 274 Bushmen, 52 Byzantine Army, 242 Byzantine Empire, 228, 259 Byzantine fleet, 410 Byzantium, 218, 233, 255, 256. (See also Constantinople) Cabul, 142 Caesar, Augustus, 186, 408 Cffisar, Julius, 178, 184, 185, 186, 408 Cisesar, title, etc., 203, 213, 230, 310 Cainozoic period, 36 et seq. Cairo, 244 Calendar, 64 Calicut, 312 California. 319, 363 Cahgula, 166,408 Caliphs, 241 " Cambulac," 285 Cambvses, 110, 128 Camels 40, 99, 110, 187, 303 Campanella, 352 Canaan, 113 Canada, 315, 375, 376, 384, 412 Canary Islands, 286 Canna?, 174 Canossa, 260