Page:A Skeleton Outline of Greek History.djvu/9

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In compiling these Outlines I have drawn from various sources. In the introductory portion, Ideler's Handbuch der Chronologie has been of the most service, though I owe something to J. Brandis's excellent monograph on early Greek chronology. The important work of A. Mommsen, Chronologie, etc., had not appeared when I wrote the section on the Calendar, but in regard to the Attic festivals I am indebted to the same writer's Heortologie. In the Tables I have used Fischer's Zeittafeln, which unfortunately only go down to 560 b.c.; Clinton's Fasti Hellenici; and the chronological table appended to the German edition of Curtius's History of Greece. In regard to the Peloponnesian war, Thucydides is, of course, sufficient; the period which follows is more confused, for no amount of ingenuity can introduce precision into the chronology of Xenophon. For the period of Demosthenes, A. Schaefer—Demosthenes