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Pater, Walter: Appreciations. (Essay on Style). Macmillan.

Perry, Bliss: A Study of Prose Fiction. ("The Short Story.") Houghton.

Sainte-Beuve, Charles A.: Essays. ("What is a Classic?") Dutton.

Santayana, George: The Sense of Beauty. Scribner.

Wendell, Barrett: English Composition. Scribner.

Winchester, Caleb T.: Principles of Literary Criticism. Macmillan.


Bain, Alexander: The Emotions and the Will. Appleton.

Darwin, Charles R.: Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals]]. Appleton.


Colvin, Stephen: The Learning Process. Macmillan.

Curry, S. S.: Imagination and the Dramatic Instinct. Expression Co.

Ruskin, John: Modern Painters, vol. 1. ("Of the Imagmation.")

Children's Literature

Baker, Franklin T.: Bibliography of Children's Reading. (Introduction.) Teachers College, Columbia University.

Day, Mary B., and Wilson, Elisabeth: Suggestive Outlines on Children's Literature. S. Illinois Normal, Carbondale.

Dodd, C. F.: "Fairy Tales in the Schoolroom." Living Age, Nov. 8, 1902, vol. 235, pp. 369–75.

Fay, Lucy, and Eaton, Anne: Instruction in the Use of Books and Libraries. (Chap, xv, "Fairy Tales.") Boston Book Co.

Field, Mrs. E. M.: The Child and His Book. Wells Gardner, Darton & Co.

Field, Walter T.: Finger-Posts to Children's Reading. A. C. McClurg.

Harron, Julia; Bacon, Corinne; and Dana, J. C.: A Course