Page:A Treatise concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed.djvu/14

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to take the Person they have no Love for, and forsake the Person they really lov'd. p. 166
Chap. VII. Of Marrying one Person, and at the same time owning themselves to be in Love with another. p. 181
Chap. VIII. Of unequal, unsuitable and preposterous Marriages, and the unhappy Consequences of them. Of the Effects they have upon the Family-Conversation, How they occasion a Matrimonial Whoredom many Ways. Also something of the Marriage-Covenant and Oath; and how all the Breaches of it are a Political and Matrimonial Whoredom, if not a Literal Whoredom; with several Examples. p. 213
Chap. IX. Of Marrying at Unsuitable Years p. 229
Chap. X. Of Marrying with Inequality of Blood. p. 252
Chap. XI. Of going to Bed under solemn Promises of Marriage, and altho' those Promises are afterwards performed; and of the Scandal of a Man's making a Whore of his own Wife. p. 272
Chap. XII. Of the Husband knowing his Wife after Conception, or after it appears she is with Child. Of the Reasonableness and Lawfuless of it. And whether this may not come under the just Denomination of Matrimonial Whoredom. p. 293
Chap. XIII. Of indecent and untimely Marriages, whether as to the Years of the Persons, marrying Infants and Children, or marrying immediately after the Death of the Husband or Wife that went before. p. 338
Chap. XIV. Of Clandestine, Forcible and Treacherous Marriages. p. 366
The Conclusion p.379
