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217. Where Reflexes are to be most apparent. 82.
218. What Part of a Reflex is to be the lighted. 80.
219. Of the Termination of Reflexes on their Grounds. 88.
220. Of double and treble Reflexions of Light. 83.
221. Reflexes in the Water, and particularly those of the Air. 135.



222. What Surface is best calculated to receive most Colours. 123.
223. What Surface will shew most perfectly its true Colour. 125.
224. On what Surface the true Colour is least apparent. 131.
225. What Surfaces shew most of their true and genuine Colour. 132.
226. Of the Mixture of Colours. 121.
227. Of the Colours produced by the Mixture of other Colours, called secondary Colours. 161.
228. Of Verdegris. 119.
229. How to increase the Beauty of Verdegris. 120.
230. How to paint a Picture that will last almost for ever. 352.
231. The Mode of painting on Canvass, or Linen Cloth. 353.
232. Of lively and beautiful Colours. 100.
233. Of transparent Colours. 113.
234. In what Part a Colour will appear in its greatest Beauty. 114.
235. How any Colour without Gloss, is more beautiful in the Lights than in the Shades. 115.