Page:A bibliography of North Carolina, 1589-1956 - 1958.djvu/12

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leading western North Carolina newspapers, 1820-1871; the Bennehan Cameron Collection, saved over a hundred years by a family prominent in the nineteenth century; the William Richardson Davie Collection of books illustrative of the earliest colonial period, the gift of Preston Davie, who continues to enrich its resources; the Nathan Wilson Walker Collection, reflecting the interest of a book lover in North Carolina literature as well as history. Two notable collections which memoralize individuals of international fame are the Sir Walter Raleigh Memorial Collection established in 1940 by the Roanoke Colony Memorial Association and the Thomas Wolfe Collection established by members of his family in 1951.

Collecting of rare and out of print material received a great empetus in 1930 when the Southern Historical Collection was established under the direction of J. G. de Roulhac Hamilton whose odyssey in tireless search for manuscripts for that department also garnered many an ancient book and pamphlet for the North Carolina Collection.

A lifetime of intimate association with highly specialized publications almost inevitably leads to bibliography as a natural progression from collecting, classifying, and cataloguing. Familiarity with the difficulties of those engaged in a type of research which demands the smallest components of history on the local level demonstrates the need for such an aid. No bibliography can be complete, but a collection representative of many years of effort offers the best possible basis for one. Publications listed are from the catalogue of the North Carolina Collection which includes material dealing with North Carolina and North Carolinians, writings of North Carolinians, and periodicals published in North Carolina.[1] In order to reduce the volume to manageable form, titles have been shortened, collation is limited to its simplest form, omitting preface paging in Roman numerals, illustrations, maps, and size, but imprint is given in full. Certain entries, already partially covered in published bibliographies and indexes, are omitted. They are state and federal documents, including publications of institutions supported by the state, newspapers, maps, manuscript theses, and articles appearing in periodicals. An index to general subject matter of titles which deal with North Carolina is included.

Mary L. Thornton, Librarian
North Carolina Collection
Louis Round Wilson Library

Chapel Hill, N.C.
May, 1958

  1. North Carolinian is defined in its broader sense to mean an author whose work has been published during his established residence in the state as well as a native.