Page:A biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen, vol 9.djvu/389

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Transactions of the Royal Society of Edin., 1 ABERCROMBY, John

Chalmers's General Biograph. Dictionary, 2 ABEBCROMBY, Patrick

Chalmers's Life of Ruddiman ; Douglas's Peerage ; Abercromby's Martial A- chievements ; Biographic Universelle, 2 ABERCROMBY, (Sir) Ralph

Public Characters ; History of the Expe- dition to Egypt, &c., . . , . * 4 ABERNKTHY, John

An. Obituary, 1832, . . . .13 ADAM, Alexander

Life of Dr Adam, (by Alexander Hender- son); Edin. Monthly Magazine, 1810, . 16 ADAM, Robert

Annual Register, xxxiv.; Scots Maga- zine, 1808, 19


Campbell's Introduction to the History of

Scottish Poetry, 20

ADAMSON, Patrick

Calderwood's History of the Kirk of Scot- land, Wodrow Edition ; Autobiography and Diary of James Melvil; Biographia

Britanuica, 21

AIDAN, Saint

Bede's Eccles. History, .... 85 AIKMAJS, William

Scots Magazine, 1794; Cunningham's

Lives of Painters, &c., .... 88 AITON, William

Obituaries of the Magazines, ... 41 ALES, Alexander

Mackenzie's Lives of Scots Writers, . 41 ALEXANDER, William, Earl of Stirling

Biog. Brit. ; Bannatyne Miscellany; Scot of Scotstarvet's Staggering State of Scots Statesmen ; Johnson and Chal- mers's British Poets, .... 42 ALEXANDER I., King of Scots

Dau-ymple's Annals of Scotland, . . 46 ALEXANDER II., King of Scots

Dalrymple's Annals, .... 47 ALEXANDER III., King of Scots

Dalrymple's Annals, . . .4?


ALLAN, David

Brown's Scenery Edition of the Gentle

Shepherd 49

ALSTON, (Dr) Charles

Pnlteney's Sketches of the History of Bo- tany; Bower's History of the Univer- sity of Edinburgh, . 51 ALVES, Robert

Campbell's Hist. Scot. Poetry, 52


Macpherson's Edition of Anderson's His- tory of Commerce; Chalmers's Gen.

Biog. Die., 52

ANDERSON, Alexander

Button's Mathematical Dictionary, . 63 ANDERSON, James

Chalmers's Ruddiman; Anderson's Di-

plomata, 54

ANDERSON, James, D.D 55


Scots Magazine, 1809 ; The Bee, . . 56 ANDERSON, John, M.A.

Prefaces to his works; Wodrow's His- tory; Tombstone, . . .58 ANDERSON, John, (Professor)

Gentleman's Magazine, 1798; Glasgow Mechanics' Magazine, 1825 ; Clelaad's Annals of Glasgow, .... 60 ANDERSON, Robert, M.D.

Annual Biography and Obituary ; Ency- clopedia Britannica, 1th edition, . . 62 ANDERSON, Walter, D.D.

His works; Edinburgh Review, 1755;

Oral Information, 64

ANNAND, William

Biog. Brit, 67

ARBUTHNOT, Alexander

Biog. Brit.; Irving's Lives of Scottish

Poets ; M'Crie's Melville, ... 67 ARBUTHNOT, John, M.D.

Biog. Brit. ; Retrospective Review, viii, 68 ARMSTRONG, John, M.D.

Chalmers's Biog. Die.; Anderson's British

Poets; Gentleman's Magazine, 1792, 74 ARNOT, Hugo

Family Information; Scots Magazine

Obituary, 80