Page:A biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen, vol 9.djvu/390

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Arrow, (Sir) Robert

Bannatyne Miscellany; Pinkerton's Scot- tish Poems, . ... . -83 BAILLII, Robert

Biog. Brit. ; Encyclopedia Brit. 1th edi- tion; Baillie's Letters and Journals; Tytler's Life of Lord Kames, . . 86 BAILLIK, Robert, of Jerviswood

Burnet's History of his own Times; Kirk- ton'e Church History ; Wodrow ; Rose's Observations on Fox's Historical Work ; Russell's Life of Lord William Russell; Memoirs of Lady Grizel Baillie; Foun- tainhaU's Notes; Wood's Peerage, . 88 BAILLIE, Matthew, M.D.

Edinburgh Annual Register ; Annual Obi- tuary, 1824 92

BAIBD, (Sir) David

Annual Obituary, 1830; Royal Military Calendar, ...... 96


Life of George Heriot, (by A. Constable); Wood's Atbense Oxonienses, by Bliss ; Boyd's Obituary, in Bann. Miscel.; Hales's Golden Remains, . . .100 BALFOUB, Alexander

Life by Mr D. M. Moir, prefixed to

" Weeds and Wildflowers," . . 101

BALFOUB, (Sir) Andrew, M.D.

Edin. Month. Mag. 1810; Scots Mag. 1803 ; Bower's Hist. Edin. Univ., . . .103 BALFOUB, (Sir) James

Goodall's Preface to his Practicks, . . 105 BALKOU.B, (Sir) James

Memoria Balfouriana, by Sir R. Sibbald ; Scots Mag. 1803; Life prefixed to Haig's edition of his Historical works ; Collec- tion of Letters in Advocates' Library, 107 BALFOUB., Robert

Dempster ; Mackenzie's Scots Writers, . 115 BALIOL, John, and Edward, Kings of Scots Biog. Brit.; Dalrymple's Annals; Tytler's History of Scotland; Henry's History

of Britain, 116, 121


Obituaries of the Magazines ; Family In- formation, 123


Maitland's Edition of Bellenden's Boece ; Lord Treasurer's Books, General Re- gister House 124


Mackenzie's Scots Writers ; M'Crie's Life

of Knox; Irving's Scot. Poets, . . 127 BANNATYNE, George

Memoir, by Sir Walter Scott, in Bann.

Miscel. 129


Encycloped. Brit. 7th edition; Jamieson's

edition of The Bruce, . . . .133 BABCLAY, Alexander

Biog. Brit. ; Lives of Eminent Scotsmen ;

Encyc. Brit. 7th edition ; Mackenzie, . 139 BABCLAY, John, M.A.

Oral Information; Scots Mag. fauim, . 140


Encyc. Brit. 1th edition; Oral Inform., . 147 BABCLAY, Robert

Life, 12mo, 1802; Biog. Brit, . . 149

BABCLAY, William and John

Life of John Barclay, by Lord Hailes;

Chalmers's Gen. Biog. Die., . . 157, 158 BASSANTIN (or BASSANTOUN), James

Biog. Brit.; Memoirs of Sir James Mel- ville, Bannatyne edition, . . . 160 BASSOL, John

Mackenzie's Scots Writers, . . .161 BAXTEB, Andrew

Biog. Brit. ; Tytler's Kames, . . .163 BAYNE (or BAINE), James, M.A.

Oral Information ; Scots Magazine, . 166 BEATON, (Cardinal) David

Histories of the Period ; Dempster ; Biog. Brit., ....... 167


Biog. Brit. ; Pitscottie's History, . . 182 BEATON, James

Biog. Brit. ; Spottiswood's History, . 183 BEATSON, Robert, LL.D.

Obituaries of the Magazines, . . .185 BEATTIE, James

Forbes's Life of Beattie ; Oral Inform., . 185 BELL, Andrew, D.D.

An. Obit. 1833; Bell's "Experiment in Education," 1797; Lancaster's "Im- provements in Education," 1803; Edin- burgh Review, lix; Wood's Ace. of

Sess. Schools, 196

BELL, Benjamin

Scots Mag. 1801 ; Oral Information, . 199 BELL, Henry

Oral Information. . . . . . 200

BELL, John, of Antermony

M'Ure's Hist, of Glasgow, new edition;

Quarterly Review, 1817, . . . 203 BELL, John

Family Information, . . . .204 BELLENDEN, William

Parr's Preface to Bellenden; Remarks on new edition of Bellendenus, 1787 ; Edin. Mag. 1787 ; Bee, v., . . . 207 BEBNABD, Abbot

Bee,iv., . 212

BEBBY, William

Bee, xiv., . . .- . . . . 212


Christian Instructor, 1829; Memoir pre- fixed to his "Evangelical Beauties," 1829 ; Scots Worthies, . . . .215 BISSET, Peter

Mackenzie 's Scots Writers, . . .216 BISSET, Charles

Gent. Mag. Ixi., 216

BLACK, Joseph, M.D,

Transact, of Edin. Roy. Soc., v.; Thom- son's Hist, of Chemistry; Scots Mag.

1808, 218


Life by Andrew Crichton, . . .222