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6 Messrs. Methuen's Announcements General Literature Zbc Sroen Sbafcespeare. General Editor, Edward Dowden, Litt. D. _ Messrs. Methuen have in preparation an Edition of Shakespeare in single Plays. Each play will be edited with a full Introduction, Notes on the text, and a Commentary at the foot of the page. The first volume will be : HaMLET. Edited by EDWARD DOWDEN. Demy Zvo. 2s. 6d. Zbe IRovels of Cbarles Bicfeens. Crown Zvo. Each Volume, cloth 35. , leather 4s. net. Messrs. Methuen have in preparation an edition of those novels of Charles Dickens which have now passed out of copyright. Mr. George Gissing, whose critical study of Dickens is both sympathetic and acute, has written an Introduction to each of the books, and a very attractive feature of this edition will be the illustrations of the old houses, inns, and buildings, which Dickens described, and which have now in many instances disappeared under the touch of modern civilisation. Another valuable feature will be a series of topographical notes to each book by Mr. F. G. Kitton. The books will be produced with the greatest care as to printing, paper and binding. The first volumes will be : THE PICKWICK PAPERS. With Illustrations by E. H. New. Two Volumes. NICHOLAS NICKLEBY. With Illustrations by R. J. Williams. Two Volumes. BLEAK HOUSE. With Illustrations by Beatrice Alcock. Two Volumes. OLIVER TWIST. With Illustrations by E. H. New. Two Volumes. Gbe Xfttle Xibrarg. Pott Svo. Each Volume, cloth 2s. ; leather 2s. 6d. net. Messrs. Methuen intend to produce a series of small books under the above title, containing some of the famous books in English and other literatures, in the domains of fiction, poetry, and belles lettres. The series will also contain several volumes of selections in prose and verse. The books will be edited with the most sympathetic and scholarly care. Each one will contain an Introduction which will give (1) a short biography of the author, (2) a critical estimate of the book, (3) short bibliographical details. Where they are necessary, short notes will be added at the foot of the page. The Little Library will ultimately contain complete sets of the novels of W. M. Thackeray, Jane Austen, the sisters Bronte, Mrs. Gaskell and