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Messrs. Methuen's Announcements 7 others. It will also contain the best work of many other novelists whose names are household words. Each book will have a portrait or frontispiece in photogravure, and the volumes will be produced with great care in a style uniform with that of ' The Library of Devotion.' The first volumes will be : A LITTLE BOOK OF ENGLISH LYRICS. PRIDE AND PREJUDICE. By Jane Austen. With an Introduction by E. V. Lucas. Two Volumes. VANITY FAIR. By W. M. THACKERAY. With an Introduction by S. Gwyn.v. Three Volumes. EOTHEN. By A. W. Kinglake. With an Introduction. CRANFORD. By Mrs. GASKELL. With an Introduction by E. V. Lucas. JANE EYRE. By Charlotte Bronte. With an Introduction by R. Bayxe. Two Volumes. Zbe ILtttle (BuiDcs. Pott Svo, cloth 35. ; leather y. 6d. vet. NEW VOLUME. SHAKESPEARE'S COUNTRY. By B. C. Windle, M.A. Illustrated by E. II. New. Uniform with Mr. Wells' ' Oxford' and Mr. Thomson's ' Cambridge.' Fiction A NEW DEPARTURE IN PUBLISHING. Messrs. Methuen contemplate a very interesting experiment in publishing. They are about to issue at Sixpence, under the general title of ' Methuen's Library of Fiction,' stories by some of the best known writers of the day. A few books will be reprints, but most will be new works hitherto unpublished in book form. A considerable number of Sixpenny Editions of old books have already been issued by various publishers, but in no case has the work of an author of high repute been published in the first instance at that price. This Messrs. Methuen will attempt, and the first book thus published will be by E. W. Ilornung. Mr. Robert Barr and Mr. Cuthffe Hync will follow, and later will be published books by Mr. Baring Gould and others. In some cases the same book will be published simultaneously both at Sixpence and at a higher prire. Mi I . Methuen recognise the inevitable tendencies of an age of cheap literature. The theatre has its stalls and its pit, the railway its fir.^t and its third classes : so the novelist