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by Caxton.
Christine de Pisan. The Moral Proverbs of Chriſtine. Tranſlated by Earl Rivers. "Enprinted by Caxton. At Weſtmeſtre.” Folio. 1478.
(The Miller Library, Britwell, Berks.)
Christine de Pisan. The Faits of Arms and of Chivalry. "Per Caxton." Without Place. Folio. 1489.
Britiſh Muſeum C. 21. d. Another copy C. 10. b. 11. Another copy Gr. 10546.
Chronicles, The, of England. (See England.)
Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Tully of Old Age; of Friendſhip; the Declamation of Nobleſſe. "Enprynted by me ſymple perſone William Caxton." Without Place. Folio. 1481.
Britiſh Muſeum C. 21. d. Another copy C. 10. b. 6.
Confeſſio Amantis. (See Gower.)