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Books printed
Cordial, The. (See Memorare Novissima.)
Curia Sapientiæ, or The Court of Sapience. (See Lydgate.)
Curial, The. (See Chartier.)
D'Ailly, Pierre, Cardinal. Meditacions ſur les ſept Pſeaulmes penitenciaulx. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Probably printed at Bruges. Folio. [1477?]
Britiſh Muſeum C. 21. d. (Show Caſe viii.)
De Fide et Cantu, &c., attributed to Caxton by Ames in "Typographical Antiquities," p. 71, is a portion of the "Curia Sapientiæ."
Deguilleville, Guillaume de. The Pilgrimage of the Soul. "Emprynted at Weſtmeſtre by William Caxton." Folio. 1483.
Britiſh Muſeum C. 21. d. A fragment in Harl. MS. No. 5919, Art. 190.