Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/106

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187 EAMESWAEAM- -EANGA-NAYAKULU 188 settiug forth the delights of philosophy and of love. With Telugu translation.] See Rama- KCJACHAETULU, Tivumalai Kandyuru. S'S:^^.

^c«b^8'§;3gsi». [Kavi-hridaya-sarvasvamu.] pt. i.,

pp. 146-156. 1901. 8°. 14072. ccc. 31. RAMESWAEAM. So-c^^Ssr-JJaio Disputatious on "'illage Business. [An account of litigation from 1750-77 over the rights to the ofBce of Icaranikam, etc., in Rameswaram^ Proddatur Taluk, Cuddapah District.] The original Telugu record. Edited b}" Charles Philip Brown. ([The same] trans- lated into English from the originals in the Telugu language by Charles Philip Brown.) pp. i. 63, i. 91. S.F.C.K. Press; Vepery {Madras), 1855. 8=. 14174. d. 10. EAMUDTJ, Sarasvatl-bJiaffa Krisunlia-pu°., of Bcta- volu. (^ , "o^sSo-ocs&woS^eJ "5re)"5^oficjc>o. [Bala- kandamu. Bk. i. of an adaptation of the epic Ramayana in mixed verse and prose. Edited by Asiiri Auantacharyulu.] pp. 1-1. ye»T^-o [Ellore, 1903.] 8°. 14174. k. 27.(8.) EAMUpU, Sirasanagandla. i^ • • ■ ^'o^'^-^%rSo- oi^-^Si'^rS^rt:!. c«b £.-7v»^5&i. [Ahalya-sankran- dana-vilasamu. A di-ama in the lyrical yalslia- gdna style on the myth of the god Indra's seduction of Ahalya, wife of the saint Gautama.] pp. 40. '^^^'^^'^o no-F-o [Madras, 1890.] 8°. 14174. h. 9.(3.) RANGACHAKI, K. See Rangachaktae, K. EANGACHARYAR, Kadilnibi. Elementary Botany . . . Translated [from the Tamil] into Telugu by S. Veukatasubbarama Sastri . . . With 231 illus- trations. (^t3.£^^^5i».) pp. xiv. 378; plate. Madras, 1909. 12°. 14174. eee. 16. RANGACHARYULU, KandaUa, of Beduduru. See RaMACHAETULU, K. IO ■ • • ^^'^^•t^l^^'^' [Bedudiiru-harischandra-natakamu. Partly re- written in poetical style by the author's younger brother Raugacharyuiu, and edited by the latter.] [1906.] 8'. 14174. h. 30.(8.) RANGACHARYULU, S.'sha-hlaffa. o o o S ^to^«$- ■(T'&jS'jSm. aS)|;,7r>^so3. [Virfit-parva-uatakamu. A drama, in yahsha-rjnna form, upon the plot of the Virata-parva of the Maha-bharata.] pp. 96. 'Sr'a^.^ljno ocT-e [Madras, 1897.] 8°. 14174. b. 24.(5.) RANGACHARYULU, Veditla, of Masvlipatam. ■^a^ [sic] ^S-Ss&ei^odS [sT'i-jT^g?) JSo8'a8bp^e)^So3. [Navina - vaishnava - mata- khandanopanyasa - dur- naya-nirmiilanamu. An answer to an attack upoij divers rites of the modern devotees of Vishnu, illustrated from Sanskrit texts.] pp. 54. '^'^^- SfoE955io [Madras,'] 1899. 8^ 14174. b. 25.(4.) S^A^sS-STT'^iS'^. [Vigraharadhanamu. A tract on idol-worship.] pp. 2, 14. 3Tasidij)otiiin, [1896.] 8°. 14174. b. 59.(1.) RANGA-NATHACHARYULU, ChaJcravarti Kavi- tdrliiha-s'uiihavi. See Devala. "^sej^s&F-^^t^fei [Devala-dharma-sastra. With translation by Chensala Rau, assisted by Ranga-nathacharyulu.] [1889.] 8°. 14038. d. 27. RANGANATHASVAMI AYYAVARALUGARU, S. P. V. See ViiNKAXA-EANGA-NATHA Sv.MI. RANGA-NATHUDU. ^^&,!i^oSSpK^^o^^«^^. TOi'5C(5';sb j^|8'oA'-?p'^"cn'sSj'CJsor3.^3. [Ranga-natlia- ramayanamu. A version of the epic Ramayana, in dvipada metre, composed about 1300 A.D. by Rauga-nathudu.] pp. iv. 262. no-8>t [Madras, 1875.] 4°. 14174. 1. 5. RANGA-NATHUpU, Oijirala Perayya-pu". ^- ■ • Sg'uvSgJSJJ^nsSM. [Dvirepha-varna-darpanamu. A metrical treatise in 4 dsvdsas on the correct use of the letter ts, with illustrations and explana- tions. Edited by P. Rama-krishnayya.] 1903. See Periodical Publications. — Nellore. [istiy^^^ i^o!$ -2cc li ) [Amudrita- grantha-chintamani.] vol. X., no. 8— vol. xvi., no. 12. 1885-1904. 8". 14174. k. ll.(vols. 10-16.) RANGA-NAYAKI. ^>So7(^ai>t^^i&>^-^oi::-rS^. Sb,'Sb^ 2ib%-^ -ffSsSoe) r°4o4x» [sic] [Srl-raiiga- nayak'-ammakunnu Nauchar'-ammakunnu zari- gina savatula kotlata. A dialogue of 25 verses, in a mixtui'e of popular Telugu and Tamil, between the rival goddesses Ranga-nayaki and Nailcharu (Anflfil).] i)p. G. [Madras? n.d.] 10". 14174. h. 1. RANGA-NAYAKULU, Pahlu Appala-narasaydrya- ]iU°. P»§tf(S'?SS?^4J»'^c353i3. 1^6^^S^^t^'«i^. [Nir- vachana-svara-darpanaimi. A metrical account