Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/107

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189 RANGA-NAYAKULU- -RAYADAPrA 190 of tlio divinatory psoudo-scienco and physics of the Yoga. With prose paraphrase by Pokala Veukata-narasiinha Rjiu Nayatlu. Followed by 11 tattua-kirtanalu, or devotional poems, also by Ranga-uiiyakulu.] pp. i. 93, G. Madras, 1899. 8°. 14174. n. 43. RANGA-NAYAKTJLU SRESHTHI, Sunduru. (^o^^. 6ti [Andhra-dipika. A Telugu dictionary.] pp. 6, 432. Madras, n^cr^ [1882.] 8^ 14174. n. 16. RANGA-RAMANUJAYYA, Cluiniaranm. (^»;i«- §'o_-j^^5Sb;5M. [Sartha-pada-kalpa-drumamu. A dictionary of difficult words.] pp. 80. ^(^<^^fj- r3S3« [i/atfras J 1891. 16". 14174. m, 8.(2.) RANGA-RAU BAHADUR (S/rVlNKATA Svktachala- PATi) . See Venkata Svetachala-pati Ranga Rap, iSiV. RANGA-SAYI, AUamn-rdzu Suhrahmanya - pu° . SJ^sSjT 3^sr'55'lJ§'s&). [Paramatma-hari-satakamu. 116 verses to Vishnu as Supreme Being.] pp. 17. £^4)s5|or3ll [Vizagapatam,] 1900. 12°. 14174. a. 30.(5.) RANGA-SVAMI RAU, P. 8. The Linguist's Self- instructor [in Telugu, Kaunada, Malayalam, Marathi, Tamil, and English]. By P. S. Runga- swamy Row. pp. ii. 101. iMadras, 1900. 8°. 14172. hh. 16. RANGAYA, Rdmumija-dcsilca-intP. TJ-^'-iJc^.si:. [Ramodayamu. A metrical adaptation of the Ramayana. With preface by P. Anantacharyulu.] 2 vols. pp. X. 366, viii. 463 ; 2 platos. Madras, 1903, 1907. 8°. 14174. gg. 11. RANGAYARYUDU, T erumljuduru Nammaijdrya- pu°. 1^1 •• • S'SDo?f^^ ■TeJ^c-SM. [Kavi-Liiiganna- satakamu. 100 panegyric verses on the life, etc., of Liugauna, a poet. Edited by Pandit Krishna- dasudu.] pp. 16. -^^^^,-^"0 o:^on [Madras, 1901] 16°. 14174. a. 12.(7.) EANGAYYA, G. ^^^^%-^^^-io^$& SJogrj&,. [Kanyaka-paramesvari-dandakamu. A hymn in free bacchian metre on the virgin goddess wor- shipped by the Vaisya caste.] pp.28. [Madras?] 1861. 12°. 14174. f. 4. EANGAYYA, K., of Govt. Normal College, Madras. iSee JoYES (W.) and Seshacharyulu, N. Ch. Telegoo Series. First Poetical Reader ... by Walter Joyes, and N. C. Sashacharloo, with the assistance of C. Rungiah, etc. 1859. 8°. 14174. k. 8. RANGAYYA, Karrdapdti. See Valmiki. — Rama- yana. — Metrical Versions. ^^ . . . ^Toh-tS -cr>^T^aii. C3S5CO. [Bhti-skara-ramayanamu. Printed from a copy revised by R.] [1861.] 4°. 14174. 1. 11. [1870.] 4°. 14174. 1, 10, RANGAYYA, Kasturl. See Kastoki-eangayya. RANGAYYA, Vuduclicheri. See Muhammad Nizam MoiiYi ul-DiN ibn Muhammad. Sbixo?j^o?^£,£?. [Kutumba-samrakshani. Translated with the aid of Rangayya and Manikya Mudaliyar.] 1898. 8°. 14174. g. 45. RANGAYYA, Suulcara. See Chinnaya SOri. Bala- vyakaraua gupthardha prakasika. An elaborate commentary on Balavyakaranam of . . . Chinnaya Soori by Sunkara Rangayya. 1908, etc. 8°. 14174. n, 50. RANGAYYA NAYADU, C. ■SNT-g.EJo^r^-e^r.-sia. [Moksha-rauga-satakamu. 1-15 stanzas on salva- tion.] pp.32. Tlfa-Zras, 1902. 16°. 14174. a. 12.(9.) According to the official Catalogue of BooTiS printed in 1902, quarter i..,p. 54, C. Bangayya Nayadu is the editor; the author styles himself only " Manga-bhaktudu." RANGAYYA NAYADU, P. i?., of Alsur. See Upanishads. Brahmopasanam . , . dedicated to . . . Chandra Sekhara Brahmananda Swami . . . by . , . P. R. Rangiah Naidu. 190-1. 16°. 14010. a. 10. RANGAYYA SETTI, Nara-hari Edma-svdmi-jju". See Badaeayana. (^ • • • ^o^^k^-^Totr^^ iH'^- •f>:n>^sixi&i smW [Brahma-siitra. W^ith a Telugu version of Ramanuja's Vedanta-dipa, etc., by Rangayya.] [1884.] 8°. 14048. bb. 18. RATNAM (Manchaf.a). [For editions of the Bible in the revised Telugu versions issued by the committee of Delegates including M. Ratnam :] See Bible. RAU (N. C). See Chala-pati Rau, N. RAVEEPATEE GOOROOMOORTEE. See Gurd- mOeti Sastei, E. RAYADAPPA RANGA-RAU, Baja of Bolhili. See Venkata-natha Vedantachaeya. ?5o^'e)^ -^w-"5^'§_