Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/110

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195 SAMBHAVAYYALU- -SANKAEACHARYA 196 SAMBHAVAYYALU, Dlniryrnjyala, and BHASKA- EUpU, Dhurijdyyala. " ° ° '?^s;^ir'o^^-^s:^o- Ki,'SojX^o$'55iD. [Retta-mataudlira-kavyambu. A metrical treatise on divination from omens, etc., composed in Saka 1492. Edited by T. Venkata- krislina Eau.] pp. 56. n^es [Madras, 1862.] 8°. 14174. e. 8. SAMBHU-DASirpTJ. See Erra Peegada. SAMBHU-DASTJDTJ, BdiwJa. The History of Saranga dhara [the son of E:ija Narendra, who suffered torture rather than lose his virtue]. In Teloogoo poems written in dwipada couplets by Sambhudas. [Edited by N. Deva Perumallayya.] {-p^^oK^S'Sbf^^y^ scsiS.^.) pp. 1,38. Madras, 1859. 12°. 14174. k. 4. SAMBHU-LINGAMU NAYUDU, Nayani China-sWi- raina-j'ic'. ,^i, sbis^a^-DS^Soe) S'f^^' e) eT'^ss'S'^jio. [Adi-velimi-kula-kalpaka-latabhivardhanamu. An account of the legendary origins, history, and religious rules of the Adi-velimi caste, a branch of the Velama a"'riculturi.';ts of Telingvana and Ganjam, in 1 dsciisa of mixed verse and prose. Followed by Adi-velimi-kula-vivaha-paddhatulu, rules for marriage of the caste.] pp. iii. 74. ■^iotr-'ejo s&^^w^^ _VetapaJem, Madras printed,] 1909. 8°. 14174. bbb. 11. SAMI AIYAR, rudulcollni. See Collett (C). A Manual of the Law of Torts . . . Translated into Telugu by Puducotai Sainy Iyer. 1872. 8°. 14174. d. 3. SAMI-NATHA AIYAR, T. A. See Svami-natha AlYAE. SAMSKRITA. See Sanskrit. SANAT-KUMARA. ^ • • • ^^!^^■^^. [Griha- vastuvu. A Sanskrit tract on the rites for building and entering houses, ascribed to the mythical Sanat-kumiira. With Telugu interpretation by T. Surayya Sastri. Second edition.] pp. 15. s^(^i» no-o-z [Madras, 1887.] 8°. 14028. d. 35.(1.) SANDHYA ■ VANDANA. Tio-i^^SrH^ ^Q-f^^^ cty'^--<^LQ qT^'ivi ior i^soisw. [Sandliyii-vandana- parishechana - yajnopavlta- dliarana- mautramulu. The Sanskrit text of tlic Sandhyii-vandana formulaj and of tlio i)i-ayors said on sprinkling water before meals and putting on the cord. With Telugu notes, rubrics, etc.' pp. 12. Madras, 1899. 12°. 14028, b. 61.(4,) SANGITAMU. ^^e^ziw^oiS^'i^^ rSo^&^^^r. [Sarigita-sastrainu. A manual of the theory of music, comprising the Sanskrit text of vv. 1-7 of the 2iid. praliaraija in the Svara.dhya.ya of Sarnga- deva's Sangita-ratnakara with Telugu commentary and examples of the various modes and measures of Hindu music] pp. ii. 72. nos: — s [Madras, 1862.] 8°, 14174. e, 1, [A reprint.] pp. 63. -u^a&^So no-r-o [Eayapuram [Madras), 1890.] 8°. 14174. e. 10. SANJiVA-RAYA SASTRI, Yenamachlntala. See Dandi. J^'S'SbsSj^y-S'li [Dasa-kumiira-cbaritra. Translated into Telugu by Sanjiva-raya.] 1886. 8°. 14174, g, 18, SANKARACHARYA. [Life.] See Venkata-rat- NAMU, /v. ■^osi'K'SacSi^gKctco -2i»II [Sankara-vijaya- dhvajamu.] 1904. 8°. 14174. gg. 14. See Badaeayana. ijrA'STS'^JJ-u'cSbca . . . ^^o^5o^Sb . . . (^5i> ur'r^^^6?S'§'5&). [Andhra- sarlrakamu. The Brabma-sutra, with Telugu interpretation compiled from the expositions of Sankara, etc.] [1889.] 8°. 14048. dd, 1, See Badaeayana. ifK^i^^iS-cr'aiic} . . . ,50j^-^w-°^22;l ?5o^sj'Sio [Brahma-siitrartha-san- grahamu. The Aphorisms with Telugu para- phrases and synopses of the exposition given in Sankara's Bhashya.] [1894.] 8°. 14048. dd, 30. See [Addenda] Badaeayana. 'i^^ci^- ^So'o-fin'. [Vedauta-minnlnisa. The Brahraa-sutra, with Saiikara's commentary, in Sanskrit, Euglisli, and Telugu.] 1909, elc. 8°. [Jii,h,<i-hihari.] 14049. ccc. 1. See Maha-BHARATA. — Modern Versions. [Bhagavad-gJtd.] Sri Gitabhashyatrayasira [i.e. the Bhagavad-gltii with commentary based upon those of Saiikara, Rfunanuja, and Madhva,] etc. 1909. 8°. 14049. aaa. 22. See Maha-dharata. — Modern YersioHs. [Bhngavad-gltcl.] ^^^l£^f(!S^l^'. [Bhagavad-glta.