Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/111

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197 SANKAEACHAEYA SANKARACHARYA 198 Text wiLli Saiikara's commontary, in Sanskrit, English, and Tolujru.] 1909, etc. 8°. [Jndna- laharL] 14049. ccc. 1. See UpANISHADS. SDeJ'SSroSp&sT. The Aitareya Upanishad. [With Saiikara's commen- tary, in Sanskrit, Bnglisli, and Telugii.] 1909, etc. 8°. [JTuina-luharL] 14049. ccc. 1. (e^^^^^-g^.j^--) [Atma-l)6dha. A San- skrit metrical tract on the Vedantic philosophy. With the Telugu interpretation and commentary Atma-Lodha-prakasika of Puranam Krishna Sfistri, and a Tamil version of the same by Ramanuja Kavi-rayar.] pp. v. 167. ©.yssrsaruL-i—iSMT^^ ^^1 fir ^iD [Madras, 18-10.] 12°. 14048. c. 44. No title-page. A . . . e5«S,^r*^^Sb'^^&(So^s&l^-^^°ceJ^S^^S■- ci^^ . . . e^^^r*t?^^-s-°^s'-t^'p^so^s^^i3^sdg'|•3b -scoii [Atma-bodha. With the commentary °prakasika of Krishna Sastri.] pp. 50. -^^Tcj&iJ^ [Mailras, 1858.] 8°. 14048. d. 45. (i) • • •• e5j^?rf$J5co. [Atma-bodha. With a Telugu commentary (°vivaranamu) by V. Veh- kat-ramana Sastri.] pp. 60. "^^.j." no-cro [Madras, 1881.] 12°. 14048. b. 17.(2.) O • • • ^e)Jle)^S^^^^ '^" [Vakya-sudha, here called Drig-drisya-viveka. A Sanskrit poem on Advaita philosophy. With a commentary in Telugu, based upon tlie Vakya-sudha-vyakhya of Brahmananda BharatI, by Aparokshanubhavi Vakulabharana Para-desi.] pp. 4, 84. ^^<^°^|f- n^ [.Madras,'] 1901. 8°. 14048. bb. 55. The poem is here ascribed to Vidydranya. A • • • ^2.S*^ fi-^o^ S'si-^g ^SjS^JJS'^^ 3 i^'^Sj^'cj'sSDE? -gcoli [Viveka-chudamani. A metri- cal work on Advaita. Sanskrit text, with Telugu glosses and commentaries compiled by Ravadi Rama Sastri. Edited by R. Trivikrama Sastri.] pp. 225. »^8 S^oS [Bellary, 1898.] 8°. 14048. c. 72.(2.) ^^ • ■ ■ S^S'xfo-oxs^sbE? [Viveka-chudamani. The Sanskrit text, with Telugu metrical version by Kovuru Paltabhiramayya.] pp. 2, 8, 167, 6. -^exT-fo [Nellore,] 1906. 8". 14049. b. 29.(2.) [Doubtful and Supposititious Works.] ^S^ox "2».-oii [Mani-trayi. Three Sanskrit Vaisbnava hymns ascribed to Saiikara and his disciples, viz. Laksliiiil-nrisiiiiha-stotra, Govinda-dvadasa- maijjarika-st^. or Bliaja-govinda, and Goviuda- chaturdasa-Tnafijarika-st°. With Telugu intro- duction, word-for-word translations, of the first, and metrical versions of the other poems, compiled by K. Tiru-venkatacharyulu.] pp.202. Madras, 1899. oW. 16°. 14028. a. 28. (^ . . . 7?'§S'3'sS)02i5-s-»^,^;S>D,'5S. -i3'«Xi)E-«'- Koo2;S-g^,*^^^<-:i>3,xsS. [Dviidasa - manjarika - stotra and Chaturdasa-maiJjarika-st°. Two Sanskrit didactic poems, ascribed respectively to Sankara and a disciple, the latter being an expanded version of the former. With Telugu word-for- word interpretation by A. Ekiimra Jyotishkudu.] pp.16. n^-A^ [Madras, 18b9.] 8°. 14076.0.9. {^ • • ■ "ET'gJSS's&o II [Dvadasa-manjarika-st°. and Chaturdasa-m°.-st°. The same text and translation. Edited by N. Krishnam-acharyulu.] pp.16. no-£_3 [MfA-as, 186:3.] 8°. 14076.0.25. [Another edition.] pp. IG. ncr£_>t [iMadras, 1865.] 8°. 14076. c. 20. Srimath Sankaracliariar's Dwatrimsa man- jari in English and Telugu poetical garb . . . By Hosur Ramaswamy. pp. 14. BeUary, 1896. 8°. 14174. b. 50.(1.) d) • ■ • ^■^a.^^^^<3^^^^^^ '■^" [Pra?- nottara-ratna-malika. A popular catechism of ethics and religion, in 67 dryd verses, ascribed variously to Saiikara and to Vimala-chandra. With Telugu interpretation, paraphrase, etc., by Siddhanti Siva-sankara Sastri.] pp. 64. "^i^^^il ncro-5 [Madras, 1883.] 8°. 14048. c. 62.(3.) The Aryan Catechism [i.e. the Prasn5ttara- rafcna-malika or Arya-prasnottara-ratnavall] : in Sanskrit . . . English, Telugu, and Tamil. Edited by R. Sivasankara Pandiah. pp. 11, 72. Madras, 1887. 12°. 14003. c. Forms no. vii. of the Hindu Excelsior Series. O [Rama-karnamrita. 3 centuries of Sanskrit verses in praise of the divine hero Rama. Preceded by the Rama-gita, a similar century, here incorpo- rated in the Rama-karnamrita as its first century.