Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/112

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199 SANKAEACHARYA- -SARASVATI 200 With a Teliigu metrical version of both by Che- kuru Siddha Kavi.] pp. 90. Madras, 1863. 8". 14028. c. 17. ,^ .Tr°5&)?'TT»sSbj^lS'j5jo. ?'«^S'(^cSoii«. [Rama- l<arnaitirita. With Siddha Kavi's Tclugu version.] pp. U9. Co^e^T^a [Madras, 1863.] 12°. 14174. a. 8. This edition omits the Rnma-g'ita ; its Isf, Ind, and Zrd centuries correspond respectively to the 4th, 2nd, and drd of tit e preceding edition. [For the Hastamalaka-stotra and Hasta- malaka-bhashya commonly ascribed to Saiikara :] See Hastamalaka Aciiakya. SANKARACHAEYULU, Konda, of Bhimavaram. See ViKACHAKYULir, P. G. (^ • • • ^^(5).iy(5j" [Viriit- potuliiri Vira-brahmendra- svamula vari natakamu. Published by Saiikaracharyulu and Vipriry-acharyulu.] [1891.] 8°. 14174. h. 16. SANKARA MANTRI, Dc'chana-pu°. -^d^^o^-^- 4j'§^ijM. [Harischandropakhyanamu. A poem iu 5 dsvdsas of verse interspersed with prose, written about 1600, on the legend of the truthful king Harischandra.] (Chinthamani Press Series. Ko. 2. Sankara Kavi.) pp. 125. Madras, 1899. 8°. 14174. k. 55.(5.) SANKARANANDA, disciple of Anandfdmd. See Maiia-bharata. — Modern Versions. [Bhagavad- gJtd.] ^^Sb!£^?(S^& -stoii [Bhagavad-glta. With interpretation compiled by Ch. Sundara-rama Sastri from the commentaries of Sankarauanda, etc.] 1910, dc. 8°. 14065. ee. 2. SANKARA - NARAYANA CHETTIYAR, P. An Euglish-Tclugu Dictionary. By P. Sankaranara- yana. Fourth edition, pp. 6G, i. 781 ; 1 I'luie. Madras, 19u0. 8°. 14174. n. 41. An Euglish-Telugu Dictionary, with copious English synonyms, and brief and accurate dcifini- tions. pp. X. vii. 107, 1284, 3 ; I jdatc. Madras, 1905. 8°. 14174. n. 46. A Telugu-English Dictionary. By P. San- karanarayana. pp. v. 57, 901 ; 1 jdate. Madras, 1900. 8°. 14174. n. 40. SANKARA RAU, riilUchdnd. See Puranas.— Shanda-];mrdija. ■^s['^ds.^ -acoii [Sujnana-dipa, etc. With Telugu interpretation by Saiikara Ran.] [1898.] 8°. 14016, c. 54. See Venkatafpa Rau, M., and Sueta Rau, M. (^pzaAcJijrf s.«M. [Nija-guru-stavamu. A work by admirers of Sankara Ran ; containing (1) expositions of his doctrine, and (2) poems in his honour.] [1894.] 12°. 14174. a. 15. SANKARUpU, Modulcuri. o o o -^i^^^^^^^. [Dliira-dhi-satakamu. 100 verses in praise of Rama and Sita.] pp.10, n^^^ [Madras, 1862.] 8". 14174. k. 9.(2.) SANNA-BASAVA. See Channa-basava, SANNA-VIRAYA. See Channa-viraya. SANSKRIT, ooo -^orSh-^&^ii^^oTid. [Samskrita- bhasha-maiijari. Sanskrit tales for school reading, with word-for-word Telugu interpretation.] pp. 118. "5^o4)^?S'o oo-^n [Conjevarani, Madras printed, 1861.] 16°. 14090. a. 2. ?5o?3Jj-^l5'5^-^5i)0 2i8. [Samskrita-bhasha- maiijari. Edited by N. Raghavayya.] pp. 108. ocr^b" [irac?y(!s, 1864.] 16°. 14076. a. 8. o oo ■^o-^h-^&'ifis^^o^Q. [Samskrita-bha- sha-manjari. Editedby T. Ramanujayya.] pp.110. ^^_^S|or3o n<r^'S- [Madras, 1868.] 16°. 14090. a. 7. o o o ^o-foii-e)«^?^^5^0 2i3 [Samskrita-bha- sha-manjari.] pp. 118. ^^<^ii no-cro [Madras, 1880.] 16°. 14174. m. 15. SANTANANDA YOGI. See Gopalayya. SARABHA-LINGAMU NAYUDU, Immdneni VirPsa- li/'iga-pu°. Alankarachandrodayam, or Srco Ma- khavraja charitra. [A romantic poem in 4 cantos with occasional prose, on the classical model.] . . . Corrected by Challapilla Venkata Sastrulu Garu. ((^1 sS:^^2! xSQ^^sixi ftSi&is^sSj'OtJS'sijoX'o fc?e)0~5~°ygo^j'^£?csiosiJ3.) pp. ii. ii. G4. ^fllsuli- patam, 1906. 8°. 14175. a. 10.(9.) SARASVATI BAI. Pakasastra, otherwise called Soopasastra, or The modern culinary Receipts of the Hindoos, compiled in Teloogoo by Saraswate Boy . . . Translated [into English] by C. V. Ra-