Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/113

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201 SARMA- -SATYA-NARAYANA-MUIITI 202 inasawiiiy, Pundit. pp. iii. 90, i. ; 2 plates. Church Mission Press : Madras, 18o6. 8". 14174. e. 12. SARMA (D. V.) . Sec Venkatachala-pati Sakm a, D. SARNGA-DEVA, Ntssai'ilai SiJdhaJa-jm". tSo^a^- S-ST'^S ff II [Saiigifca-ratnakara, vv. 1-7 of the 2nd prakornna in tlie Svaradliyiiya. Sanskrit text with Telugu commentary.] See SangItamu. wjpw- ^■^■^rm'H^^ rio^,&^^^ [Sangita-sastramu.] pp. 1-4. [1862.] 8°. 14174. e. 1. SARNGADHARA, Dumodara-pu. (^ • • • '^%^^- o jjrSjT.Q ejjsi g_^g^F°,^ttoD. [Sai'ugadhara-saniliita. A San.skrit work on medicine. With Telugu in- terpretation by Puvvada Surya-narayana Rau, revised by S. Jaya-krishna Dasu. Edited by N. VIra-svami Sastri.] pp. ii. xvii. 406. Madras, no-Ecr [1878.] 8°. 14043, e. 16. SARVA-RAYA SASTRI, Dilri Venhata-pu°., of Anahapalli. ° ° ° -cS-O^is^-^ot^TS^^p ^■^'r'^:^^. [Sach-chid-ananda-bodhini. An essay on the monistic Vcdantic philosophy.] pp. i. 227. iii^^^Q [AnakapalU,] 1906. 12°. 14174. a. 35. SARVA-RAYXTDTJ, Bringura-liavi. See Bhagavat- KAVi. Rukniiui parinayam . . . [Edited by S.] 1904. 8°. 14175. a. 10.(4.) See SUNDARA-EAJA Bhatt.acharya. "oW^^- fflao!6si» -scnii [Snusha-vijayamu. Translated by Sarva-rayudu.] 1906. 12°. 14174. h. 33.(2.) t!Se^'^?■s■8^£^ -aooll [Avatara-charitra. An account of the incarnations of Vishnu.] pp. 64. Coca7iada, 1898. 12°. 14174. a. 30.(2.) SARVA SASTRI, Diiri. See Sakva-kata Sastri. SARVESUDU, KompeUa Krishnam-arya-pu° . (^ . . . -£i.2;«'^^^jST'aa-eaj§si« [Jagan-natha-maha- tmyamu. Thelegendof Jagan-natha as worshipped at Puri, in two books, the first in prose, the second in the form of a dandalca, or poem in free metre.] pp.118, ^i^^ [il/ac^ras, 1861.] 16°. 14174.1.6. SASHACHARLOO (N. C). See Seshacharyulu, N. Ch. SASHIAH. See Seshayya. SATA-KOTI RAMA-CHARITA. The Easoteric [sic] Ramayana or Deha-ramayana. Being a chapter [of 82 vv. on Vedantic psychology allegorising the legend of the Ramayana,] taken from Ananda Ramayana [sell, forming the 3rd sarr/a in the Vilasa-kiinda or bk. iv. of the Anauda-r"., a Sanskrit poem on the legend and cult of Rama in 9 sargas, forming part of the Sata-koti Rama- ch°.,] with Telugu meanings by Srivenkata Pra- panna Yogindra Swamy. («5^ooj c:ir»c;si ;^^?Sn>^. ^-^^ -^-^jT'sir'csiiti^ix,.) pp. 23. Madras, 1909. 8°. 14049. aaa. 29.(5.) SATHAKOPACHARYULir, Iip/uiuii Jarjan-nathd- churya-pii°. See ViiNKATACHAEYULU, GOvindd- churya-pu°. o ° o ^^^■■^^S^^^|x5J£g^; A.«£'?rajE?. [Chattada - sri - vaishnava - dvija - shodasa - karmani. Edited by S.] [1902.] 8°. 14170. ee. 47. SATHAKOPACHARYULU, Kanddlamu, of Amala- puram Church Mission High School. ^o^,sr» ^3^§- ^6n:i:>:>. [Sangraha- vyfikaraiiamu. A compen- dium of Tilugu grammar.] pp. 3ij. ^i^^" [J/(((7)-«,'*,]-1885. 12°. 14174. m. 16.(2.) SATHAKOPACHARYULU, V. &e Robertson (W.). History of the Discovery of America . . . [Ren- dered into Telugu by Sathakopacharyulu and others.] [1857.] 12°. , 14174. n. 6. SATHAKOPACHARYULU, ViUiputturu. See Nri- siMHupu, B. (^ ■ • • (^^oK&tS II [Dharmangada- charitramu. Edited by S.] [1887.] 16°. 14174. f. 3. SATHAKOPA DESIKUDU, P. .SVe Puranas.— I?/-f7- gavata-purdna. (^sSj-cr'^o^^'SeJsio. [Bala-bhaga- vatamu. Arranged by Sathakopa.] [1862.] 8°. 14174. k. 24. SATHIANADHAN (Krupaeai S.). See Krifai Satya-nathan. SATHYAVOLU BHAGAVATHKAVY. See Bhagavat- KAVI, iS. /. SATYA-NARAYANA-MURTI, Biidga-rdzn. &^- SSracSiKio [Usha-parinayamu. A drama in 5 acts on the legend of the loves and marriage of Aniruddha and Usha.] pp. i. 71. e=,^,^?5's&5 [rf/(c/,rt,/)Mram,] 1909. 12°. 14174. h. 54. SATYA-NARAYANA-MURTI, KucU. Varudhini vilasum. A drama in seven acts [on the loves of the Gandharvas Pushpa-danta and Variidhiui,