Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/114

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^03 SAVITEI- -SESHACHALAMU 204 based upon the Svarocliisha-iiianu-cliaritvamu]. (s5&-^5)3»7-;3^.) P13. i. 5, i. 2, 113. Ellore, 1909. 8°. 14174. h. 49.(3.) SAVITEI. i^rrs^Sj-^a ^d^&j. [Savitii-devi-charitra. The legend of Savitrl, the faithful wife of Satyavat (ilalia-bhai-ata, Aranya-p°.), in dvipaJa metre. Edited by R. Venkata-subba Rau.] pp. 64. Mylapore (Madras), [1908.] 32°. 14174. i. 28.(2.) Forms no. 3 of the Jana-rafijani-grantha-mSla. SAYANA. [Life.] See SRi-RAMA-MUETr, G. i^^^ . . . SM^^S'STS'gS'rag-ffe^^ctoo. [Madhava - Vidya- raiiya-charitramu.] 1899. 8°. 14174. g. 63.(2.) See Venkata-sivavadhani, V. (^^'^^S'^^S . . . S8(Ssiy>. [Vidyaraiiya-(madhavacharya-) charitamu. An historical account of Madhava- chru-ya-Vidyaraiiya and Sayana.] 1900. 8°. 14174, g. 49. See VfiDAS. (1j • • • i^ ^cS- ^^^ "2^ [Rudradhyaya. With interpretation and com- mentary based on the works of Sayaiia, etc.'] [1907.] 8°. 14028. bbb. 10. (^ . . . ^"i■^J'coS^^r^J3 "Scoii [Vediinta- panchadasl, or Panch'adasT. A Sanskrit metrical treatise on monistic Vedanta philosophy, in 15 books. With an interpretation and commentary in Telugu by Mantri Lakshmi-narayana Sastri. Edited by Annavarapu Venkata-raghava Sastri.] 3 pts. ^(^^11 [Madras,] 1895-1898. 8^^. 14048. dd. 24. SCHULTZE (Benjamin). See Catechism. Cate- chismus Telugicus Minor . . . intcrprete Benia- miuo Schulzio. 174G. IG". G. 20,002.(1.) See Mores Vitamque christiano disjnam delineantes Regulae Centum . . . Inter- prete Beuiainino Schulzio. 1747. 1G°. 14174. a. 14. See Way. Via sive Ordo Salutis . . . libelliis . . . Ex lingua tamulica in linguam tcliigicaiii tr.'insfusus. Interproto I'cnianiino Schultzio. 1746. 16°. 223, a. 9. ColloquiuTii rcligiosissiniiiTn quod doctor telugicus cum quinque bi'aminibus habet do Christo, salvatore mundi, et do fido in oum salfivica [sic], etc. {»^ Jd^^ ei>£>,i& ^^^V^hxl' Ij- . . . ■^g^engsij sxf^ii^rso'ho-o^-^ ^g'r'Sj'g.) pp. 48. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1747. 16°. G. 20,002,(4,) SESHACHALA DASU, of Dharmapvri. li, • • • -CP>S»-f7^4o5's5b(C£l"^c8S(^?^O^iJjS» . . . ^ IT LD LI ifl Jl IT LO tr - ujesyTLD. [Rama-natakamu, or Dharmapuri-rama- yanamu. The substance of the epic Ramayana rendered as a drama of the yaksha-gdna type. Edited by Palaparti Nagesyara Sastri.] pp. 152. n'^zS [Madras, 1873.] 8°. 14174. k, 18. • o o o ^8^^6-DTsSj-"cs6r3 5io. [Dharmapuri- ramayanamu.] pp. 128. ^(^c5^*fs° no-ix">i [iVttf/;-fl.s-, 1885,] 8°. 14174. k. 41. SESHACHALAMU, Kola. pv?.^ct£r'^^. «,■& -p-c- ^.SiS-^s'^s^SM [Nila-giri-yatra,] (ta Vachana Kavyam describing a tour to the Nilgiris). pp. i. ii. 150. s^4)Sfoc3SxM [Yizagapatam,] 1902. 8°. 14174. gg. 7.(1.) SESHACHALAMU NAYUDU, PdkaJa Ruma-gopala- pii". See Ashtavakea. e^-^sJ^^eT'il [Ashta- vakra-gita-sastramu. Edited with paraphrase by Seshachalamu.] [1896.] 8°. 14174. bb. 2. (SeePuRANAS. — Skanda-purJna. •^g^'^&sisij ■^n [Sujnana-dipa, c<c. Edited by S. N.j [1898] 8°. 14016. c. 54. See SiVA-EAMA DIkshita, Achala Guru. ©,a. . . ts^yej^A^n^jjSM. [Achala-grandhaniu. Edited and translated by Seshachalamu.] [1888.] 12°. 14174. b. 2. - — — See Venkatappa Rau, M., and SDeya Rau, M. ,^?)a«bJ6;^!S'jix). [Nija-guru-stavamu. Revised by S. N.] [1894.] 12°. 14174. a, 15. ^iV^SQiSQ^^SM. -f er°«5pr^2>3. [Ratna- vati-charitramu. A romance purporting to have been narratL-d by a vampire to king Vikraina.] pp. 95. ^?^<^ii n'j-r^ [Madras, 1898.] 12°. 14174. f, 16,(2.) (^1 . . . i^gp-CT'eJcwsSn.^siM. [Suddha-nira- O 9' lamba-margamu. A discourse on Vcdantic incta- physic] pp. 44, "S^^H O'j-^n [Madras, 1891.] 12°. 14174. a. 26.(1.) [SujuEina-ratnilvali. 120 hymns on themes of the philosophy and theology of Vcdantic monism.