Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/128

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231 SUBBA-EAYALU- -SUBKAHMANYA 232 SUBBA-RAYALir NAYADU, Kdrmailchi. See LIla- suKA. (^ • • • ^€)§-^'^^e)^^- [Krishna-karna- mritamu. Edited by S. N.] [1862.] 8°. 14076. c. 15. • ^i^Se^'^5■■H■6^£,JSo^^^sr>^. [Dasavatara- cliaritra-saiigrahamu. A brief account, chiefly in poetical prose, of the legendary incarnations of Vishiiu. Chapters i.-ii.] pp. 53. "^i^^^" n^s-z^n [Madras, 186].] 16°. 14174. f. 10. SUB3A - RAYARYUpU, KoraUa. See Ududaya- PKAiiIi'A. Andlira Parasaryarau . . . with . . . introduction, by ... Subbarayarya, e<c. 1898. 12°. 14053. b. 31.(4.) SIJEBA-RAYA SASTRI, Bevulapalli. ^^^^c^- SsiaoSOT. (Sree Mahandra vijayamu.) [A poem in 6 cantos on the legend of the sanctuary of Upamaka in the Eistern Ghats, and a victory of Indra over the demons through his devotion to the local deity. Preceded by a biography of the poet.] pp. xsiv. xxvi. i. 144; I plate. Madras, 1907. 8°. 14175. a. 21. SUBBA-EAYUDTJ, I)onta-rd;;u. See Naga-bhusha- Nupu. (^■fc^^&^^^ssl'ex). [Prachlna-naviua-zava- lilu. Edited by S.] [1890.] 8°. 14174. k. 51.(1.) SUBBA-RAYUpU, Kondepudl. See Lakshmanudu, F. E. efr|^icr-abj30(£jSj->5SM -a» II [Andhra-nama- sangrahamu. Edited by S.] 1908. 8°. 14174. n. 49. SUBBA-RAYUpiJ, M., and VIRESA-LINGAMU, Kandukuri. Telugu Story Readers. Second (Third, Fourth) Reader. "SoSS (sXxr^cJsJ, ist'C-S) ^'•cpr° ■53^-Sg' ^^^•jSx>. 3 pts. Vepery {Madras), 1909-1912. 12°. 14174. m. 35. SUBBA-RAYHDII, Vaddadi Surapa-rdzu ini°. Sec Krishna-mOrti Sastri, S. V. Criticism on Telugu Vcuisamharum [of Subba-rayudu], eta. 1905. 8°. 14174. g, 62.(3.) See KshemTsvaka. "So&T"^^ -aooH [Chanda- kansikamu. Rendered into Telugu by Silbba- rdyudu.] 1900. 8°. [Sarasvati.] 14174. gar. 2.(vol8. 1, 2.) SeeMAYURA. wo,$^-^?5'.v?'£)S'.-S». [Audlira- sQrya-satakaniu. Rendered into Telugu verse by Subbu-rayudu.] 1898-1899. 8°. [Snrasvatl.] 14174. gg. 2.(vol. 1.) SUBBA-RAYUDTI, Vaddadi Surapa-razu-pu°. {co7i- tinued). See Uddanda Ranga-natha. ^S-t'ssj^iS)- &:Sx>. [Mallika-marutamu. Rendered into Telugu by Subba-rayudu.] 1903. 8°. {SurasvatlP[ 14174. gg. 2.(vols. 3-5.) See Venkata-subba Rau, Toleti. Venisani- hara natnka pradarsana ... [A letter on a version by Subba-rayudu of the play.] 1902. 8°. 14174. g. 62.(2.) SUBBA-RAYUDU, Yarrd VehlMta-svdmi-pu°. See Venkata-svami, Y. Vastugunadeepika . . . edited by. . .Erra Subbarayudu. 1900. 8°. 14174. ee. 6. 1908. 8°. 14174. 68. 13. SUBBA-RAZU, Eatndkaramu Rdghava-rdja-pu° ., Court Fandit of Kalahasfi. ^T-f si- l^^gJ^^Jf 25 ($■ S T7»,^^e3_^ ^xSd^;^. [Sri-kalahastlsvara-sarada- navaratrotsava-charitramu. A champu composi- tion in verse and prose of 3 cantos, describing the Navaratra festival and the concluding Dasara as celebratetl in the month Asvayuja (Sept.-Oct.) at the .Saiva sanctuary of Kalahasti, North Arcot District.] pp. i. 81, ii. SioSS ^v^ [Tirupati, 1908.] 8°. 14175. a. 26, 3so:^iire)-g-^^§iJcSbsSo-Sa3ll [Timma-bbupa- lakilbhyudayamu. A panegyrical poem on Timma Nayadu, Raja of Kalahasti, and his coronation. With odes by other poets appended.] pp. i. 125, ^^11 Self's [Madrn.% 1906.] 14175. a. 19. 6, iv. ; 2 plates. 8°. SUBBA SASTRI, Madlmra. See Amaka-simha. (^ . . . «o^'3^^e.'^S^^3^^^ -200 II [Nama-linganusasana. Edited by Y. Rama-svami Sastri, assisted by S. S.] [1862.] 4°. 14090.6.9. SUBBAYYA, /v'r/ZcarZffl. iSosSsf TT'c8b§'e^rsi«. [Saiijiva- raya-satukainu. 216 verses on the Vaishnava cult of SlioHughur and Mamballam.] pp. iv. 44. ^^^n [7l/(tcZ/-rt.s,] 1901. 12°. 14174. a. 30.(6.) SUBBAYYA NAYUDU, G. V., of Gudur. A Telugu Drama in three Acts [based ujiou Peddanna's poem]. Svarochisha Manu saiubhava or Manu charitra. By G. V. Subbiah Naidu. {-^%^-Q^ sSot&ToCT^S^, fcSfSo sapi•B■6^^ (^S^sSj'.) pp.4, 7G. Madras, 1910. 8°. 14174. h. 60.(4.) SUBRAHMANYA REDDI, Fdkand/i V'lra-rdijhava- j'u"., of Kattamanchi. See Maha-bhakata. —