Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/129

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233 SUBEAHMANYA- -SULA-PANI 234 Nannni/a and Tihkana's Version. i^^iitiir>ii. H'W^^oS^. [Bharata-sara-ratuavali. Compiled by Subraliinanya RedtJi.] 1885. 8°. 14174. k. 42. SUBRAHMAN YA SASTRI, Ghevali, of Vizagapatam. See SuKAYA, A. B. The Andhra Cliaiidniloka of Adidaniu Soorakavi, with the Sanskrit ChaDdra- h)ka of Appayya Deekshita. Edited . . . by . . . Subrahmanyani. 1898. 8°. 14053. c. 66. ■ ts^-iS-p^S^ [Asaucha-siiramu. A TeluQ-u treatise on formal uncleanness. With an appendix of extracts from Sanskrit authorities.] pp. iv. ii. 40. Vizagapatam, 1898. 8°. 14028. d. 24.(2.) SUBRAHMANYA SASTRI, K., of Pachchai/appas College, Madras. See Dhakma Suki. F.A. Text 1909. Sree Narakasura vijayam . . . with notes by . . . K. Subrahmanya Sastrulu Garu. 1908. 12°. 14174. h. 33.(4.) SUBRAHMANYA SASTRI, Parimi Veiihituchdnja- pu°. -^CoA'^JJicnioS'soD. [Sarangadhara-nata- karau. A yalisha-gdna play on the legend of prince Sarangadhara and liis temptation by his stepmother Chitrangi.] pp. 53. 5int)l)?jo5S<5i [Masnlipatam,'] 1895. 8°. 14174. h. 9.(6.) SUBRAHMANYA SASTRI, Velamldu Oragavfi Veiil!aft'svaru-pu°., Siddliiinti, of Bangalore. See Vedas. ,^-^£,5r'&§o. [Sri-sukta, (,'<c. Edited by S. S.] [1881.] 12°. 14010. b. 5. SUBRAHMANYESVARAMU, Vi.^him-hhnfla. J^HJS- ^S^^BJ&o [Durmarga-charitramu. An ethical poem, interspersed with prose.] pp. 34. yew^io [£//o,'r,] 1903. 12". 14174.1.22,(1.) Kusalava natakamu (Sb'S'e'SS'^faiS'fJa)). [A drama in 6 acts on the epic legend of Sita's exile in VJilmlki's hermitage and the birth and child- hood of her sons Kusa and Lava there.] pp. 89. Bezivada, 1908. 8°. 14174. h. 39.(7.) Sapta koteswara satakam. [102 Saiva verses.] (rS^^kW^S^^^^.) pp. 21. Ellore, 1902. 12°. 14174. a. 29.(1.) Sarangadhara {'p-^^cKi^^-^h^^). [^ drama on the legend of Sarangadhara, his resist- ance to proposals of unchastity, his sufferings, and his final vindication.] pp. ii. 128. ^a^r»SS [Bezwada,] 1907. 8°. 14174. h. 40.(2.) SUBRAHMANYUpU, AUama-rdzu Eai/ga-ndtlia- pu°. ^'^■^i^t>hvir-A96^sia. [Krishna-bhiipati- lalama-.satakamu. A century of verses conveying panegyrics of the god Krishna and a contemporary prince simultaneously. With a preface by Vi- krama-dcva Varma.] pp. ii. 84. Vizag_apafuin], 1907. 12°. 14174. a. 28.(2.) SUBRAHMANYUpU, Dharanih'jta Lakslimandrya- pu°. £.o^^^sj'y-»§3»_r»;3ow,^ trios' £00. [Indrahalya- vilasambu. A drama on the illicit love of the god ludra and Ahalya, wife of the saint Gautaina. Edited by V. DampUri Kamakshayya and others.] pp. viii. 240. ^^^S|oc3ctio ncr.— or [Madra.-<, 1898] 8°. 14174. h. 32. SUBRAMIAH PANTULU, G. R. ramayya, G. B. See SuBDA- SUDARSANARVAR AYYA, Sri hhand dram . See Arvargal. &io55^°-r«nj5o -goo II [Tiru- pall' - ilnciu. Rendered into Telugu verse by Sudarsaniirvfir.] [1861.] 16°. 14174.1.2.(3.) See Lakshmanudu. sJusio^a^g'ej^g'xoo "aooii [Mumukshu-jana-kalpakamu. Edited by S. A.] [1861.] 8°. 14174. b. 7. SUDRAKA. Mrutchakatikamu. A drama in ten acts. Translated into Telugu from the oriirinal Siuscrit of Sudraka Maharajah by . . . Thirupati Venkateswara Kavulu. Reprinted from the Sara- swati. (si)j)^^S'fe3g'si«.) pp. ii. 144. Cocanada, 1907. 8°. 14174. h. 36.(4.) SUKA-SAPTATI. See KadieI-pati Nayakuuij. ^S'fj S^9. (Sukasaptati.) [A poetical adaptation by Kadiri-pati.] 1908, etc. 8°. [Sarasvafi.'] 14174. gj. 2.(vol. 10, etc.) • See Sesh.achalamu Nayodu. (^ • • • ^='i'0- ■iSSio^Q^ II [Suka-pafichavimsati-kathalu. Adapted from the Sanskrit Suka-saptati.] [1889.] 8°. 14174. g?. 20. SUKRA. ^|£,^©iirT.;rs£o. [Sukra-nlti-saramn. A treatise on polity in 6 chapters. Rendered from the Sanskrit into Telugu by Puranapanda Mal- layya Sastri.] pp. 134. s^U-j^H [Cocanada,] 1908. 8°. 14174. d. 16. A reprint from the Saras vati. StJLA-PANI. See Shakspere.