Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/130

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SUMATI- -SUEANNA 236 SUMATI. a-cs'gop.g^siu-^osx) »rex)??riJ§o^Scs&£o. ?o;4 -^5S)S«'eJ£'sjo. [Sutnati-satakamu. 110 verses on moral themes. Edited with word-for-word analysis, interpretation, and paraphrase, by Nori Guru-liriga Sastri.] pp. 58. ^(^(Jl" <~>^o'~' [lf«(7;Y(,^, 1901.] 8°. 14174. k. 20.(3.) siLD^d^sicBLD i^ [Sumati-satakaniu. Edited in the Tamil character, with Tamil verbal inter- pretations and paraphrases, by E. Samarapuri Mudaliyar.] pp. 78. G)3=6isr&sTUUili_m3rm [Madras,] 190 L 8°. 14175. a. 11. SUNDARA - RAJA BHATTACHARYA, Elxtturu Varada-ruja-pu°. •^^^^fflsafisiM. {Sj^S^'soo. [Snusha-vijayaimi. A domestic drama. Trans- lated from the Sanskrit of Sundara-raja by Sarva- rayudu.] pp.24. t-S,7-cS [Cocanada,] 190G. 12°. 14174. h. 33.(2.) SUNDARA-RAMA. i^clHi^^^iS^^. [Sundara- rama-satakamu. Three cantos of Vaishnava verses in worship of the deity Sundara-rama.] pp. 69. ^2i^c£ [Beuwada,'] 1906. 8°. 14174. b. 29.(3.) SUNDARA-RAMA SASTRI, 0. See Surta-narSyana Sastei, D., and others. Copious Annotations on the Matriculation Telugu Text . . . By Sundara- rama Sastrulu, etc. 1900. 8°. 14174. k. 45.(5.) See SORYA-NARATANA Sastri, D., and SoNDARA-EAMA Sastri, C. Notes on the Lives of Telugu Poets, etc. 1901. 8° 14174. n. 30.(4.) See SuEYA-NARAYANA Sastet, D., and ScNDARA-RAMA Sastri, C. Complete Notes on F.A. Telugu Text, 1909, e^c 1908. 8°. 14175. a. 28. SUNDARA-RAMA SASTM, Ghedahivdda. SeeMAHA- Bti AKATA. — Modern Versions. [Bli agavad - gltft.'] ^^^::!i^7(£h6 -^W [Bhagavad-gita. With a Telugu interpretation styled Paramartha-chandrika, com- piled by Sundara-rama.] 1910, e<c. 8°. 2. See PAPA-RAZU,7i". yl. ooo (^sSjefo^JS'-CT'sSrxDSb- casSM. (Uttara Ramayanamu.) [Edited by S.] 1903. 8°. 14175. b. 6. See Pdranas. — Brahnwrida-purdiia. tsip^g- &^-u^^Sj^ai3th^ -aojli [Adhyutma-rauiayana. With interpretation in Telugu by Sundara-rama.] 1907- 1909. 8°. 14016. da. 21. SUNDARA-RAMA YyA,^l^/'n<-723rtraj)MSoma-rrtjrt-pw°. Jayachendra Chendrarekha vijiam. A drama in ten acts. Selected from Persian stories Lai Gohar. S3 cjfeog'siuej -fn&js'^SM.) Second edition, pp. 10, ii. 96. Vedurupalca-Faijavaram, 1908. 12°. 14174. h. 34.(2.) Forms no. 1 of the Sundari Series. The LcVl o Gauhar here vientioncd is perhaps the work of Husain 'All of 8erir>ga2>atam {Stewart, Drscrij)tive Catalogue of tlie Oriental Library of the late Tijjpoo Sultan, p. 74). SUNDARA-RAMAYYA, ErottapalU. See China Baieagi. c;s^C.o«56S23csbsi». [Dhanvantari- vija- yamu. Edited by S.] 1908. 8°. 14174. ee. 12. SUNKARA RANGAYYA. See Rangayya. SURA-BHANDESVARAMU. -^Tr'-!-o'^y§J5-ji». [Su- ra-bhanclesvaramu. An account in dvipada verse, based upon the Kasi-khanda, of the Saiva legends and cult of Benares, here abridged. Edited by R. Vehkata- subba Rau.] pp. 96. Mi/lapore (Madras), 1909. 32°. 14174. i. 28.(7.) Forms no. 23 of the Jana-ranjani-grantha-mala. SURA KAVI, Adidamu. See Sueaya. SURA KAVI SARMA. See Sueaya, V. V. StJRANNA, Adidamu. See Sueaya. SURANNA, Fiiigali Amarana-pu° . See Dakshtna- MURTi, P. A critical Essay on Pingali Surana, etc. [1893.] 8°. 14174. g, 40.(1.) See Keishna-mueti Sastri, S. V. The Kalabhashini. A . . . drama . . . from the story of [Siiranna's] " Kalapurnodayam," etc. 1902. 8°. 14174. h. 26.(11.) See SeI-eama-murti, G. S'^^g^jJcsfill [Kala-purnodaya-katha-sangrahamu. A prose epitome of Suranna's Kala-puniodayatnu.] 1901. 8°. 14174. g. 51.(4.) Kalapurnodnyaniu. [A ])oeticnl romance in 8 dsvdsas. Edited by P. V. Ramaniiyya & Co. With preface by Kasi-hliatla Brahmayya.] (rr'^^fr'jScsbSoo.) pp. 14,247. l^oiyr>& [Ouvt^u-], Cocanadn [printed], 1910. 8°. 14175. a. 40. o o o Tr>^Sir>o&tai>^ . . . iv^xiSis^oat. asr'iS^e-oKiii^kt-r'TS^SSoTX'K, [Raghava-pandavi- yaniu. A poem in 4 ilsvi'isas, which may be ri'ad