Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/134

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243 SUEYA EAU- -TAEATAMYA 244 SURYA RAU, Krottapalli {continueJ). [Duryo- dhauabliimanamu, a drama on the legend of the jraha-bharata ; Suvarna-sriiikhala, a romance; Kiti-vakyauiritamu, a work on ethical topics, etc.'} 1910, etc. See Pekiodical Publications. — Eajah- mitndri/. The Saraswati, etc. vol. xii., no. 1, etc. IS98, etc. 8°. 14174. gg. 2. (vol. 12, etc.) Abr3siio:i5. [Guna- maujari. A novel. Eeprinted from the " Sarasvati."] pp. 101. -w-il^s, [Cocaiiada,] 1907. 8°. 14174. g. 54.(3.) (^r^.g-s-a^-io^^SoS^feorc-SM. [Kanyaka- paramesvarl-natakamu. A drama in 5 acts on the legends and cult of Gauri, the chief goddess of the Komati or trading class. Reprinted from the " Sarasvati."] pp. ii. 74. T^i^S [Coca- iiada,] 1909. 8°. 14174. h. 57.(4.) Thriloknsundari. A drama in 5 acts [adapted from the Urdu romance Fasanah i 'aja'ib of Rajab 'All Beg]. By K. Suriarow. (^^ef^r. 73o«3.) pp. ii. 85. Cocanada, 1908. 8°. 14174. h. 52.(2.) SURYA RAU, Mddi-rJzxi. See Venkatappa Rau, .¥., and Sueya Rau, ill ^^p^iHoA^s^. [Nija- guru-stavamu.] [1894.] 12°. 14174. a. 15. SVAMI-NATHA AIYAR, T. A., Edltnr nf the " Arya." The Standard Vocabulary, English- Telugu. Containing over 12,800 English words grouped under 32 headings aud arranged alpha- betically with a complete index . . . by T. A. Swaminatha Aiyar. pp. 6, 30, 306. Madras, 190(}. 12°. 14174. m. 28. SVARUPANANDA SVAMI. See Agastya. ««'^§- ti§'»'v^si» [Vaidya-sastramu. Translated by Svariipauanda.] 1908. 8°. 14174, ee. 8. SVATMARAMA. (^ • • • t^^S<r.}(^^^^o>^ '^^^^%- 7; --ij-y^?. [Hatha- yoga- pradipika. A Sanskrit manual of the mystic exercises of tlie Yoga. With Telugu translation and cominentai-y by 0. V. Dora-samayya, together with a Telugu essay on Raja-yoga by the same, and 2G plates illustrating the postures of the Yoga.] pp. 4, 1 1, 5, 2, i. 228, 2, 20 ; 20 pJat,js. ^i^^n [Madmit,] 1903. 8°. 14049. b. 23. SWAMINATHA AIYAR. S(c Svami-natha Aiyak. TAITTIRIYAS. Z ^ Sc«b^ «^^^e3 p^%t-^^S-i&o 's^ II [Taittiriya-smarta-biahmana-nitya-karma- shtakamu. A Sanskrit manual of the daily rite.s of the Taittiriya Bj-ahmans, with Telugu rubrics, explanations, and notes, arranged by K. Markan- deya Sarma, aud preceded by the Sfidhana-pfin- chaka, Charpata-paiJjarika, and Dvadasa-maiija- rika ascribed to Sahkara. Edited by D. Koti- svara Sarma.] pp. 48, 264 ; 1 plate. ^ii o^-f» n-Qj- [Madras, 1908.] 8°. 14028. c. 87. Forms no. 2 of the Chid-anandasrama-grantha-mala. TAMMAYAMATYUpU, Suravgu Nrisimha-pu°. Vijayauti vilasamu [or Vipra-narayana-chari- tramu. A poem in 4 dsvdsas on the story of Vipra-narayana, in Tamil called Tondar-adi-podi Arvar, a Vaishnava devotee, and his temptation, written about 1600] . . . Edited by . . . Pandit K. Viresaliugam Pantulu. {^scsiioaSi's^lSiix} ts,* S^^is^ CT'oSbsraCej^sio.) pp. ii. 59. Eajalivivndri/, 1906. 8°. 14175. a. 10.(7.) Vijayanti vilasamu. The triumph of a nautch girl. (^.^^osoo&Seror-Ssio ■jysSa^osJS'siu S(S.- oT'-a-a&fs ^f6^5.^.) pp. 2, 123. EUoi-e,l90G. 12°. 14174. i. 15.(3.) TANDAVA-KRISHNA. See Seshadri Saema, Z. S. TANDAVA-RAYA MUDALIYAR, VllUpfM-am. First Lessons in Telugu, com]iri.sing twenty-five short stories in both the colloquial and the grammatical styles with copious notes and translation by Col. H. T. Rogers . . . The text rendered into Telugu from the Tamil Kathamanjari [of Tandava-riiyar] by Maddali Lakshminarasayya Pantulu. pp. xvi. 83. Madras, 1880. 8°. 14174. n. 33. TANTRAS. (5 ■ . • ^^.^vcSo^&Jlfo^^si«. [Gayntri- tantra. A Sanskrit work on the cults and rites connected with the sacred foi-mula called Gayatri. With Telugu translation by N. Guru-liiiga Sastri.] pp. 122. -CJ^^II nr-on [Madras, 1901.] 8^ 14033. aa. 28.(1.) TARATAMYA. ^5sSb;^$S^"5'°^ gio^«r^^ ^*^- 5&5'!JSsir.^B ?3^«J^J^^Sr»(y^S!S^^g. [Taratamyadi- sad-ratna-mfila-vivriti. Being (1) the Anu-(iira- taitiya-stotra, a sLort Sanskrit hymn enumerating the deities and articles of faith of the dualist Mfidliva cliurcli, with (2) tliu liriliat-taratamya-