Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/135

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245 TATACHAEl- -TIKKANA 240 slotra or Taratiiiin'ruli-sad-ratiia-inrilri, a Sanskrit exposition l)y Vitlialacliarya of tlio foriuor, and (3) a °praghatika or coniinoutary upon the latter, in Sanskrit, by the same. Compiled, with Telugu lists of names, incarnations, and qualities of deitio^^, and other notes, the whole being arranged in parallel columnsx, and with prefaces in Kannada and Telugu, by Adharapuram Purushottamachar- yulu.] pp. ii. xiii. i. viii. 133, 8. ^sisy^S o.^o?^ [Benvfula, 1909.] ohl. 8°. 14028. dd. 25. TATACHARI, o/ iVe/?ore. ■5r'er>^85;<?°-». Popular Telugu Tales by Tatachari. Collected and published [with additions from other sources] by Charles Philip Brown. pp. iv. i. 62. C.K.S. Press : Vepury [Madras), ISbb. 8^. 14174. g. 7. Tales of Tatacharya. Twenty- two amusing tales. [Translated into English from the collec- tions of C. P. Brown.] pp. ii. 2, 49. Madras, 1909. 12°. 14174. f. 38. TATAM BHATTU, (Munnu lakshana-kavi), w^ -$;- ii1bc;5[,s/(•] . . . -^e>X,r3ierx?fsiD.'3i-S«§-5-S)§<ti>3. [Su- lakshana-saramu. A metrical manual of Telugu prosody. With verbal interpretation in prose by Alum EkJimra Jyotishkuciu. Edited by P. Naga- liiiga Sastri.] pp. 100. [Madras?] 18G2. 8°. 14174. e. 6. TAYANNA, KaniUlu. Vijayaraghavamu, an original drama in Telugu [on the epic legend of Rama, in 5 acts.] (S2;c8b-cr'^:s5^4o5'?fe.) pp. xi. IGO. rt5j'^e» [Karmd,] 1906. 8°. 14174. h. 30.(9.) TELEGRAPH. The Electric Telegraph or Light- ning Tappal . . . "Soa^ ^^ci- St-e Railways. Railways, e/c. pp. 10-18. 1856. 12°. 14174. eee. 2. TELUGU. English and Telugu First Book. 1862. 16°. See English. 14174. m. 9. ; English and Telugu Vocabulary. 1862- 1881. 16°. (See Dictionaries. 14174. m. 5.(1.) Second Ttlugu Reading Book. 'a^ -gcdj"* ^^i'sia. pp. V. 127. South Indian Bnol; Societi/ : Mission Press : Vixafjapatani, bT. 16°. 14174. m. 3. Telugu First Book. "3j»«b -tr'^iiy,^ -Svv-^t3 ^^i'sio. Second edition. pp. 32. Christian Vernacular Education Society: American iHssion Press : Madras, 1864: 16°. 14174. m. 12. TELVGV icontiuutd) . Telugu Second Book. '^-m?(o "3oc5r' ^^S'c'Sm. New edition, pp.104. Chrialian Vernacular Edtication Society : American Mission Press : Madras, I86b. 16°. 14174. m. 4. Telugu Instructor. No. i. e5r^^e)2y'^. n. jS'rroab. [^ primer for native children's schools.] pp. 57. London Mission Press: Vizn- gaimtain, 1864. 12°. 14174. m. 21. TELUGU PANDITS, The Report of the First Congress of Telugu Pundits. ?3n^^^Si-£oB.iSrio. tx)5Su ^coII [Edited by Dh. Riima krishnam-iichar- yulu.] pp. ii. 72. BeUary, 1898. 8°. 14174. g. 47. TENALA RAMA-KRISHNUEU. Begin. "3i3-e>^5So- ^'^j«,^5 4;a>o. [Tenala Rfuna- krishnuni kathalu. Stories relating to Tenala Riima-krishnudu, a famous jester.] pp. 16. [3fadras 'I] 14174. g. 2. Without titlc-parjc. Printed about 1860. TENNA-RANGAYYA, S. See Muhajimad 'Add Ullah. cs&ro^p2.^§" [Yunilui- vaidya-dhiltu- vriddhi-bodhiui. Translated by Tenna-raugayya.] 1890. 12°. 14174. ee. 1. TENNYSON (Alfred), Baron Tennyson. -^H^^l'- ■OoQ-^sia. Kamukachintanamu : Translation into Telugu, of Tennyson's Locksley Hall. By Dusu Narayana Ran. pp. 18. Madras, [1891.] 8°. 14174. k. 49. Sumathi ("^os&B). An adaptation of Lord Tennyson's Dora in pure Telugu verse. By A. Ramachandra Nayadu. (The Madras Christian College Audhra bhashabhi ranjani Prize Poem for 1901.) [With the English original prefixed.] pp. xix. 46. il/c((?ras, 1907. 12°. 14174. i. 26.(1.) TEVAPPERUMALLAYYA, See Deva Pekuiiai,- layya. THIKKANA. See Tikkana Soma-yaji. THIMMA KAVI. See Timmaya. THOMAS (John Fryer). See Vasddeva Para- BRAHMA Sastui. John Fryer Thomas Bhupalium, etc. 1851. 8°. 14038. c. 13. TIKKANA SOMA-YAJI. son of Kommana Daiida- niitlia of Guniar, and grandsun of Bhciskara Mantri. See Maha-bhakata. — Xannaya awl Tihlcana's