Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/136

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247 TIKKAWA- -TlilMANNA 248 Version. (^ • • • ^_^sS3 7yo^¥^?^?5■sJs&l. [Andlira- bliarata, or Malia-bharata. A metrical version, in ■wbich bks. i.-iii. wore composed by Nannaya, aud the reuiainder l^bks. iv.-xviii.) were added by Tikkana iu the loth century.] [1864.] 4°. 14174. 1. 16. See Maha-bhai!ATA. — Nainiaya and Tik- kana's Version. (^ . . . f^s&>-!S^r^^^^^&six>. [Andhra-uiaha-bbarata.] [1881.] 4°. 14174.1.14. (See Maha-bharata. — NannaJja and Tik- kana's Version. ^^^-cyr^,si>iHip'6&;M, [Andhra- maha-bharata.] 1901. 8°. 14175. b. 1. See Maha-bhahata. — Xannaj/a and Tik- kana's Version, i^ ■ ■ • csfio^So-ffs'sio. [Yuddha- pauchakamu.] [1875.] 4°. 14174.1.13. See Maha-bharata. — Nannaya and Tik- kana's Version.. (^ . . . &fj'*§A'S'^gai3. [Udyoga- parvamu.] [1864.] 8°. 14174 k. 33. See Mah.-bharata. — Nannai/a and Tik- kana's Version. F.A. Examination — 1901. The Telugu Mahabharata . . . [viz. Udy6ga-p°., iii. 210-416]. With ... notes, e/c. 1900. 8°. 14174. k. 45.(3.) See [Addenda] Maha-bharata. — Nannaya and Tikkana's Version. ° ° o ^4^|Si3 75'0(^sS3^^S'- &six> -Sxxili [Udyoga-parvamu. An eas}' prose paraphrase.] 1910. 4°. 14174. 1. 19. [For the anthology Bharata-sara-ratna- vali :] See Maha-bhakata. — Nannaya and Tik- kana's Version. [For the Uttara-hari-varnsamu of Soma- nathudu, forming an appendix to Tikkana's Maha- Ijhiirata :] See Soma-nathudu, N. -u'5ir»cSoE9c'SM. (Nirvachanottara Ramayanainu by Tliikkana.) [A poetical adaptation of the Uttara- kanda of the Valmiki-ramayana, in 10 (istrdsas, dedicated about A. D. 1250 to Manuma Razu, and supplementing the Bhaskara-ramayanamu. Edited by K. Auantacharyulu, K. Viresa-iingamu, and K. Narasayya Sastri, with a preface by N. Kuppu- svamayya.] pp. 17, 130. ^?!'^ii [il/nfZ,-os,] 1898. 8'. 14174. k. 60. The English tillc is from the cover, ?)ff£i5"^^^Jf-c7»sSr»cxsbr3=-S53. [Nirvacliniiot- tara rainiiyanamu. Asvasas iv.-v., with word-for- word interpretation, notes, and English translation.] See Venkata-subba Sastui, S. Copious Annotations on the Telugu Text for the Matriculation, e/c. 1888. 8°. 14174. k. 45.(1.)- An English Translation for Nirvacliano- thara Ramayanum, seventh canto. The Telugu Matriculation text book for 1880. pp.27. Madras, [1880.] 12°, 14174. k. 2.(1.) TIMMA NAYUpir, Vmudi; Edjahd-rclje Ddnuira- kumura, Baja of Kalahastl. Coronation.' See SuBBA-RAZtJ, B. S^^J-^OT^^§JScs£>c^ ^a:ll [Tinima-bhiipalakabhyudayamu ] [1900.] 8". 14175. a. 19. TIMMANNA, Nandl Singana-pu°., (.MdfvKU Timma- NAEYa). ^oa-8^-?r-{f§rSS?r§ SJS'-0«Jo?c«ii -ir^STT'- ir'Ssj->;?E9 55iD [Parijatapaharanamu. The legend of Krishna's removal of the celestial parijiUa- tree to gratify his wife Satya-bbama (Bhagavata- pur., bk. x.), in 5 dsvdsus of verses interspersed with prose, by Timmanna, a poet of the court of Krishna-deva Raya. Edited by Panappakamu Srinivasacharyulu.] pp. 78, ii. ^c^cJl" '^^5^>'i [.V«(?ras, 1895.] 8°. 14174.1.17.(2.) -A^Ss^^eT'SsJ'S'rasio. [Parijatapaharniiamu. Edited by S. Venkatachala Sastri.] ]i]). SO. Madras, [1899.] 8°. 14174. k. 48.(3.) Parijatapa haranum. ■^ezj^iT'SsS^ffEssSu. pp.114. i;;/ore, 1908. 12°. 14174.1.26.(4.) TIMMANNA, Tushpa-giri Appana-pu°., of Mode- gunta. See Bhautri-haki. ^'^jjSh'S-^?'?*?^ ;3o- (A^sjt'c-Sm. [Bharti'i-hari-subhashita-saugrahainu. Selections from the versions of Timmanna, eic] 1905. 8°. 14175. a. 10.(6.) See Bhartei-uari. ■?>'^^sj'3 "aco II [30 verses of the Niti-sataka, in the metrical rendering of Timmanna.] 1899. 8°. [The Tehi.jn Tnt for the Matriculation Examination. '[ 14174. k. 65. ■ See BuARTRi-HARi. ■iP'^^sr>8. [Tliosamc 30 verses of llio Niti-sataka. Interpreted, with notes and English translation.] 1900. 8°. [Veii- kala-sidjhd Sastri: Copious Annotiitions, <•/(-.] 14174. k. 45.(4.) See liiiAHTui-HARi. ??'_f^V);j-'3 -^.v ii [The same verses. Interpreted, with notes.] 1900. 8°.