Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/170

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315 VIRESA-LINGAMU- -VYASA-MURTI 316 Empress of India. {^^S)^^cB^' s&ii^rr'S i^d -Sd- t£,5^-) pp.61. Bajahmundry,^^^!. 8°. 14174. g. 42.(2.) ■ Second edition, pp. 98. Madras, 1898. 8°. 14174. g. 43. The Vinodha tharansini, or Pleasures Whirligig. By Rao Bahadur K. Veerasalingam Pantulu, with, a translation and glossary by A. Galletti. pp. i. 14j ii. Rajahmundnj, 1902. Fol. 14174. p. 1. The Vivekavarthani . . . Select articles contributed to the Vivekavardhani of 1875-76 (1882-94). By Kandukuri Veeresalingum. (s^S'- s^p.) 3 parts. Rajalimundry , 1896. 8^^. 14174. g. 44. ViRESVARA SVAMI, Potuluru. See Vira-beah- Mt:XDEA Sv.MI. VISAKHA-DATTA. See Lakshmi-narasimha Rau, P. V. Prachanda Chanakyam. An original drama . . . [based upon the Mudra-rakshasa]. 1909. 8°. 14174. h. 49.(5.) See Ramanujachaeyulu, K., and others. Sree Chanakya charitram. A Telugu prose [being the story of Mudra-rakshasa], etc. 188.5. 12°. 14174. f. 1. iludrarakhliasamu. [A drama] in seven acts. Translated into Telugu from the original Sanscrit of Vishakhadiatta. By Satavadhanulu Tirupati Venkateswara Kavulu. [Reprinted from the"Sarasvati."] {tSy^(^'u^S>.-^^.) pp.88. Com- vada, 1908. 8°. 14174. h. 52.(1.) VISHNU-CHITTAN. See Perit-arvab. VISHNU-PADA KAVI. See FvRA^AS.—Bhogavata- yui-Jna. (^5i^■^^'o^^,^^'5J«S.^ -a»li [Andhra-bha- gavatamu. A prose paraphrase, by Vishnu-jiad;!, of Potana's version.] [1901.] 8°. 14174. b. 55. VISVA. So«a|T£e)Sb o8coJ3jaoo£_o?o«0(i'iJOO ^^■sr'^-^v ^5^ ^-Oo^z-aS.'^ Sir§f)^o&»$ [Nanartha-visva- nighantu, or Visva-n". A metrical Sanskrit dictionary of select words, in 5 sargas, ascribed to the mythical With a metrical T< lugu rendering to each verse, and supplemented by a Telugu metrical work with the same title, in 2 sargas. Edited with Telugu word-for-word inter- pretation by Kalla Sita-rfuna-svami.] )ip. 7 !•. [Ichchajmram,] . 12°. 14090. b. 47. VISVAKARMA, the God. o o o S:>^$S- ^^t-^I'. «>,^^r>-^io^^si» [Visvakarma-prakasika or °pra- kasa. A Sanskrit treatise on architecture. With a Telugu translation by N. Guru-liiiga Sastri.] pp. ii. 226. ^(^^11 ncr.^£_ [Jl/acZms, 1896.] 8°. 14053. ccc. 15. VISVAMBHARA SASTRI, Nlcjdmar'igalamunipahja. See Haekness (H.) and Visvambhara Sastri, N. A Sanscrit Primer, etc. 1827. 8°. 14174. n. 18. VISVAMBRA SASTRI. See Visvambhara Sastei. VISVA-NATHA SASTRI, Muluhutla. [For works edited by V. S., see under the following headings:] Bukkana. Pdranas. — Kurina-2'iurdna. P n EAN as . — Mdrkan dcya-pu ran a. VISVA-NATHA YAJNESVARA. See Yajnesvara Sastei. VITHALACHARYA, rf/sci>7e's disciple of Yydsa-raya. See Taeatamya. d, • ■ ■ ^^^'^^^^^^Si ^coii [Taratamyadi-sad-ratna-mala-vivriti. Being (1) the Anu-taratamya-stotra, with (2) the Brihat- ta,ratamya-st°. or Taratamyadi-sad-ratna-mala, a Sanskrit exposition by Vithalacharya of the former, and (3) a "praghatika or commentary upon the latter, in Sanskrit, by the same, efc] [1909.] uhl. 8°. 14028. dd. 25. VIVAHAMU. asj^jj-sb'SroToS'^sjiS^iosw. [Viviiha- mahotsava-patalu. Miscellaneous songs for use at weddings. Edited by Rompuclierla Raghava- razu.] pp. 22. ^a^-aS [Bezwada^ 1898. 8°. 14174. k. 51.(2.) VIZEARAMA GAJAPATI RAJ. See Gaja-pati R.zu. VOCABULARIES. See Dictionaries. VUMRE ALi SHA. See 'Ume 'AlI Sh.ah. VYASA. ^-§?3^£,2.^S's™v^^ [Vaidya-sastramu. A handbook of medical practice, ascribed to the legendary sage Vyjisa, and purporting to be translated by Kamakshayya from the Sanski-it.] pp. 8, vi. 202. Madras, 1906. 8°. 14174. ee. 10. VYASA-MURTI SASTRI, Almndi. See [Addenda] Krishna Miska. ,^,ii-^'*'iS'o,B^JJcs6F'll (Prabodha Chaudrodayani. [Rendered] by A. Vyasamoorty, ,tc.) 1910, etc. 8". [Kamta.] 14174. flF. 3. (vol. 1, etc.)