Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/171

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317 VYASA-MUETI- -YAJNESVAEA 318 VYASA-MtJRTI SASTRI, Akundl (continue J). See Maraya Mantri. Markandeya puranam . . . [Edited by V. S.] 1900. 8°. 14174. bb. 4. 1903. 8°. 14174. bb. 10. Sec MUBAUI MiSBA. o o o . ^ jc-iij a'5 . . . ,S^t?u' -^ ^_^^a^^MS -a» II [Auargha-ragliavamu. Translated by Vyasa-murti.] 1900. 8°. [Sara- svati.'] 14174. gg. 2. (vols. 1, 2.) WARD (William). [For Telugu translations of parts of the Bible prepared uuder the guidance of W. Ward and other missionaries of Seram- pore :] See Bible. WARDLAW (John Smith). See BiniE.— Com- plete Bibles. The Holy Bible iu the Telugu Language . . . [The Old Testament] translated by . . . Gordon and Pritehett [and the New Testa- ment in the version of Wardlaw and Hay, revised]. 1857, 18G0. 8°. ■ 3068. e. 14. See Bible. — Complete Bihlcs. The Holy Bible . . . [Comprising Wardlaw and Hay's version of the N.T., etc.] 1881. 4°. 3070. g. 9. See Claekson (W.). Ou Pantheism . . . [Translated by J. Wardlaw from Clarkson's Destruction of Superstition.] 1863. 16°. 14174. a. 4.(20.) See Hymnals. Telugu Hymns . . . [Edited by J. Wardlaw.] 1857. 16°. 14174. a. 2. The true Atonement. P^^"^ i^caso^^g^siu. [A Christian tract.] (V. T. & B. S. No. 14.) Second edition, pp. 39. London Mhsinn Press : Vlzagapatam, 1860. 16°. 14174. a. 4.(4.) WATTS (Isaac), D.D. Watt's First Catechism. -0^^-sr'oc5r°{fSb-acoSSt3^S,'r'^^?S'c-i»e) ?r*$^. pp.28. [1835 ?] See Bellary. — Bellary Tract Society. [Tracts.] no. 1. 1835-1838. 12°. 14174. a. 37.(1.) WAY. Via sive Ordo Snlutis i.e. libellus, in quo demonstratur, qua ratioue et via homo peccator . . . per lesum Christum ad vitam aeternam per- venire possit. Ex lingua tamiilica iu linguam tclu- gicam transfusus. Interprete Beniamino Schultzio. (^M-^pS r'o-&^>a.-^ge-sy.) pp.47. Hdae Mag- dehurgicae, 1746. 16°. 223. a. 9. [Another copy.] G. 2000. 2.(2.) This trad cliff ers from Zicgcnhalg's HeilsortlnungCgJxrL!.- ^ulSIost £p{ip<5ffi(i) and its Portuguese version A Ordem da Salvapao, likewise fro7H the anonymous Tamil Ordo Salutis Methodo Catechetica {Tranqucbar, 1730). WOMEN. Pious Women. Part i. Pushpaveni. An original moral tale for the use of females. i^^^-i^-Sd^&j^.) pp. 90. Bajahmundry, 1910. 12°. 14174. f. 35.(4.) WRIGHT (Walter Follett), Cap^rtni. See India. — Legislative Council. Act no. viii. of 1871 . . . [Signed by W. F. Wright as translator.] 1871. 8°. 14174. d. 9.(2.) See India. — Legislative Council. The Indian Evidence Act . . . [Signed by W. F. Wright as translator.] 1873. 8°. 14174. d. 5. See India. — Legislative Council. Acts . . . The Code of Criminal Procedure . . . [signed bv W. F. Wright as translator.] 1874. 8°. 14174. d. 6. YACHENDRA. See Gopala-krishna Yachi^ndra. YAJNAVALKYA. See Vasudeva Para-brahma Sastri. John Fryer Thomas Bhupalium . . . beinfj- a compilation of the Vijnanaswareyum, etc. 1851. 8°. 14038. c. 13. ^i&> ^s^^^^^&). [Yajiiavalkya-smriti. A code of law. With the commentary Mitakshara or Vijiianesvarlya of Vijiiane.svara. The Sanskrit test of both works, edited with a Telugu para- phrase of the Vyavahara-kanda or bk. ii. of the latter by Sarasvati Tiru-veugalachfiryulu. Third edition.] pp. 51, 232, 99. ^}^^" n<rz — [Madras, 1879.] 4°. 14039. c. 9. ^S'oijrg) [Dharma-sastra. Being bk. i. (Achara- kanda), verse 308— bk. ii. (Vyavahara-k°.), 307 of the Yajiiavalkya-smriti, with Vijiitinesvara's com- mentary Mitakshara in San.skrit and a Telugu paraphrase of the latter.] 2 pts. pp. 338, ii. 140. [Madras? n.d.] 8°. 14038. c. 16. Without title-page. Apparently printed about 1850-60. [Another copy.] 14039. b. 7. Imijerfect, wanting jmges 37-40, 105-108, 333-38 of the first part, and the ivhole of the second part. YAJiJESVARA SASTRI, Visva-ndtha Suhha-rclzu- pu,°. e5Sg^Sj-s-°^-s^. [Tapah-prakasika. A treatise on religious austerities, with rituals for tlie wor- ship of Bala Tripura-sundari, in Telugu and Sanskrit.] 3 pts. -T^§?r=a' [Cocanada,] 1901. 8°. 14174. b. 60.