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of Greenland.

ſo large, that they may get him up through it, and as ſoon as they have got his Head above the Ice, they can kill him with one Blow of the Fiſt.

A third Way of catching Seals.A third Way of catching Seals is this. They make a great Hole in the Ice, or, in the Spring, they find out Holes made by the Seals, through which they get upon the Ice to lie and baſk themſelves in the Sun. Near to theſe Holes they place a low Bench, upon which they lie own upon their Belly, having firſt made a ſmall Hole near the large one, through which they let ſoftly down a Perch, 16 or 20 Yards long, headed with a Harpoon, a Strap being faſtened to it, which one holds in his Hand, while another (for there muſt be two employed in this Sort of Capture) who lies upon the Bench with his Face downwards, watches the coming of the Seal, which when he perceives, he cries ; whereupon he, who holds the Pole, puſhes and ſtrikes the Seal.
