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The Natural Hiſtory

A fourth Way.The fourth Way is this: In the Spring, when the Seals lie upon the Ice near Holes, which they themſelves make, for to get up and down; the Greenlanders cloathed with Seal-Skins, and a long Perch in their Hand, creep along upon the Ice, moving their Head forwards and backwards, and ſnoring like a Seal, till they come ſo near him, that they can reach him with the Perch and ſtrike him. The fifth Way.A fifth Manner of catching Seals is, when in the Spring the Current makes large Holes in the Ice, the Seals flock thither in great Shoals; there the Natives watch their Opportunity to ſtrike them with their Harpoons, and haul them upon the Ice. The ſixth Way.There is yet a ſixth Way of catching Seals, when the Ice is not covered with Snow, but clear and tranſparent; then the Catchers lay under their Feet Foxes or Dogs Tails, or a Piece of a Bear's Hide, to ſtand upon and watch the Animal, and when by his blowing and ſnoring they find what Courſe he takes, they ſoftly follow him and ſtrike him.
