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The Natural Hiſtory

Torgarſuk and his Grandame reſide in the Center of the Earth.In the Center of the Earth, which they reckon the beſt Place of all, they have fixed the Reſidence of Torngarſuk and his Grandame, or (as others will have it) his Lady Daughter, a true Termagant and ghaſtly Woman, to whoſe Deſcription, though already made in my Continuation of the Relations of Greenland, ſome Time ago publiſhed, I ſhall yet allow a Place in this Treatiſe, and is as follows. She is ſaid to dwell in the lower Parts of the Earth under the Seas, and has the Empire over all Fiſhes and Sea Animals,She rules over all Sea Animals. as Unicorns, Morſes, Seals and the like. The Baſon placed under her Lamp, into which the Train-Oil of the Lamp drips down, ſwarms with all kinds of Sea Fowls, ſwimming in and hovering about it. At the Entry of her Abode is a Corps de Guarde of Sea-Dogs, who mount the Guard, and ſtand Centinels at her Gates, to keep out the Crowd of Petitioners[1].


  1. Others ſay, that a huge Dog watches the Entry, and gives Warning, when an Angekkok attempts to get in, and defends the Entry. Wherefore the Angekkok muſt watch the Minute, that the Dog falls aſleep, (which laſts but a Moment) to ſteal in upon her. This
