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of Greenland.
Angekkok viſits her accompanied by his familiar Spirit.None can get Admittance there but Angekuts, provided they are accompanied by their Torngak, or familiar Spirits, and not otherwiſe. In their Journey thither the firſt paſs through the Manſions of all the Souls of the Deceaſed, which look as well, if not better, than ever they did in this World, and want for nothing. The Paſſage thither very difficult.After they have paſs'd through this Region, they come to a very long, broad and deep Whirlpool, which they are to croſs over, there being nothing to paſs upon but a great Wheel like Ice, which turns about with a ſurprizing Rapidity, and by the means of this Wheel the Spirit helps his Angkkok to get over. This Difficulty being ſurmounted, the next Thing they encounter is a large Kettle, in which

    Moment no body knows but an Angekkok Poglik; wherefore the other Angkkuts often return home again without Succeſs. This frightful Woman is ſaid to have a Hand as big as the Tail of a Whale, with which if ſhe hits any Body, he is at one Stroke mouſe-dead. But if the Angekkok conquers her (which he does, if he can get at her Aglerrutut, which hang dangling about her Face, and rob her of them) then ſhe muſt diſcharge all Fiſhes and Sea Animals, which ſhe has detained in Captivity; who thereupon return to their wonted Stations in the Sea.