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The Natural Hiſtory
live Seals are put to be boiled; and at laſt they arrive with much ado at the Reſidence of the Devil's Grandame, where the familiar Spirit takes the Angekkok by the Hand through the ſtrong Guard of Sea Dogs. The Entry is large enough, the Road that leads is as narrow as a ſmall Rope, and on both Sides nothing to lay hold on, or to ſupport one; beſides that, there is underneath a moſt frightful Abyſs or bottomleſs Pit. Within this is the Apartment of the The infernal Goddeſs much offended at their Viſit.infernal Goddeſs, who offended at this unexpected Viſit, ſhews a moſt ghaſtly and wrathful Countenance, pulling the Hair off her Head: She thereupon ſeizes a wet Wing of a Fowl, which ſhe lights in the Fire, and claps to their Noſes, which makes them very faint and ſick, and they become her Priſoners. But the Enchanter or Angekkok, (being before-hand inſtructed by his Torngak, how to act his Part in this diſmal Expedition) takes hold of her by the Hair, and drubs and bangs her ſo long, till ſhe loſes her Strength and yields; and in this Combat his familiar Spirit does not ſtand idle, but lays about her with Might and