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of Greenland.

Main. When the Angekkok has robb'd her of her Aglerrutit, all the Fiſhes and Sea Animals are reſcued out of Captivity.Round the infernal Goddeſs's Face hangs the Aglerrutit (the Signification of which is to be found in my Son's Journals) which the Angekkok endeavours to rob her of. For this is the Charm, by which ſhe draws all Fiſhes and Sea Animals to her Dominion, which no ſooner is ſhe deprived of, but inſtantly the Sea Animals in Shoals forſake her, and reſort with all Speed to their wonted Shelves, where the Greenlanders catch them in great Plenty. When this great Buſineſs is done, the Angekkok with his Torngak proud of Succeſs makes the beſt of their Way home again, where they find the Road ſmooth, and eaſy to what it was before.

Departed Souls muſt glide down upon a ſharp Stone, in their Paſſage to the Manſions of the Bleſſed.As to the Souls of the Dead, in their Travel to this happy Country, they meet with a ſharp pointed Stone, upon which the Angekkuts tell them, they muſt ſlide or glide down upon their Breech, as there's no other Paſſage to get through, and this Stone is beſmeared with Blood; perhaps, by this myſtical or hieroglyphical Image, they thereby ſignify, the Adverſities and Tri-
