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of Greenland.
Eaſtern Diſtrict hitherto unknown to us.Now as to the Eaſtern Dictrict, its preſent State is intirely unknown to us; as there is no coming at it with any Shipping, upon the Account of the vaſt Quantity of Ice, driven from Spitzbergen and other Northern Coaſts upon this Shore, which adhering to the Shore barricades the Land, and renders it wholly inacceſſible. Eaſt Diſtrict flouriſhed after the Deſtruction of the Weſtern.We may nevertheleſs gather from the above-mentioned


    according to Cuſtom. Kablunœt immediately went down to him, to whom the Father delivered the Piece of Seal-Fleſh he had brought them. But he was no ſooner got a-ſhore, before the Doggiſh Race ſeized and devoured him, and then fell a eating the Seal-Fleſh, given them. Whilſt the Kablunœt dwelled there, one of the Innuits, (or Mankind) for ſo they call themſelves, came rowing along the Shore, and throwing his Dart at ſome Sea-Fowl, miſſed what he aimed at; which one of the Kablunœt, who ſtood upon a Point of Land running out into the Sea, obſerving, mocked and ridiculed him, and laying himſelf down upon the Ground, told him, that as he ſaw he was ſo dexterous in ſhooting, he would be the Bird, he might throw the Dart at him, and take Care not to miſs him. Whereupon Innuit ſhot and killed him. This Death cauſed continual Strifes and Wars between the Kablunœts and Innuits, which laſt at length became Maſters, and overthrew the former.