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The Natural Hiſtory

Expedition of the Eaſt Greenlanders againſt the Schrellingers, that after the Deſtruction and total Overthrow of the Weſtern Diſtrict and its Colonies, the Eaſtern were yet ſtanding and flouriſhing. But in what Year this happened, no Notice is taken by the old Hiſtorians. Some Remnant of the Norwegian Colonies is ſuppoſed to be there ſtill.Nevertheleſs from many Tokens and Remainders of probable Evidence it may be inferred, that the old Colony of the Eaſtern Diſtrict is not yet quite extinct. To the Confirmation of which, Thormoder in his Hiſtory of Greenland alledges the following Paſſage.

Amand Biſhop of Iceland was in the 16th Century driven under Greenland, where he ſaw the People feed their Herds and Flocks.Biſhop Amand of Shalholt in Iceland (who Anno 1522 had been conſecrated, but Anno 1540 again reſigned) once returning from Norway to Iceland, was by a Storm driven Weſtward upon the Coaſt of Greenland, which he coaſted for ſome time Northwards, made Land towards the Evening, finding themſelves off of Herjolſneſs; they came ſo near to the Shore, that they could deſcry the Inhabitants driving their Flocks in the Paſture Grounds: But, as
