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The Natural Hiſtory

Eaſtern Colonies, If the Chriſtian Colonies of the Eaſt Diſtrict are deſtroyed, 'tis likely it was done in the ſame manner as thoſe on the Weſt without aay Ground or Reaſon; becauſe the Commerce was carried into Greenland until the Year 1406; and in 1540 that Colony was ſtill ſubſiſting. If therefore this Diſtrict be deſtitute or bereft of its old Inhabitants: 'tis not unlike, they have undergone the ſame Fatality as the Weſtern ones, being deſtroyed by the Barbarity of the Savage Schrellingers.

A whole Century paſſed from the Ceſſation of all Commerce and Navigation between Norway and Greenland, till new Adventurers began to apply themſelves to the Diſcovery of the Eaſtern Diſtrict. Erick Walkendorff Arch-Biſhop of Drontheim, his Deſign to ſend Ships upon this Diſcovery.The firſt of thoſe who took this Affair to Heart was Erick Walkendorff, Arch-Biſhop of Drontheim, who was reſolved, at his own Charge, to fit out Ships for this Purpoſe, but was ſtopt in this pious Deſign by King Chriſtian the Second, whoſe Diſgrace he had Chriſtian the Second, whoſe Diſgrace he had incurr'd. After him Frederick the Ift attempted the ſame, but did not ſucceed.The next was King Frederick the Firſt, whoſe Mind (as it is reported, was bent upon the ſaid Expedition, but was
