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of Greenland.
never put in Execution. Chriſtian the IIId, had no better Succeſs.Chriſtian the Third, (as Lyſcander relates) ſent ſeveral Ships with the ſame Deſign, but without making any Diſcovery. Mogens Heinſon, ſent by Frederick IId, had Sight of the Land, without approached it.Frederick the IId ſucceeded his Royal Father as well in the Government, as in his good Deſign about Greenland; on which Errand he ſent Mogens Heinſon, a renowned Seaman in thoſe Days. This Adventurer, after he had gone through many Difficulties and Dangers of Storms and Ice, got Sight of the Land, but could not approach it; Pretended that he was ſtopt under full Sail by ſome hidden magnetick Rocks.whereupon he returned home again, and pretended, that he might have got on Shore, if his Ship had not been ſtop't in the midſt of its Courſe by ſome Loadſtone Rocks hidden in the Sea, that he could not proceed, thoough he had a very favourable and ſtrong Gale of Wind, and no Ice to hinder him; which frightened him and made him ſail back again to Denmark. But the true Loadſtone Rocks, in my Opinion, was the terrible Fright he was in of not getting ſafe through the dreadful Ice Mountains, which threatened him, or elſe the ſtrong Current, which always runs along the
