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The Natural Hiſtory

States Promontory, with ſuch Violence and Rapidity, that it often ſtops a Ship under full Sail, ſo that the Ship can make but little or no Way at all againſt it. The Cauſe by others aſſigned for this ſtrange Effect is the Or ſtay'd by the Fiſh Remora.Fiſh Remora, which the Northlanders call Kracken is nothing but a fabulous Story of the too credulous Antients, and labours under no leſs Abſurdities than the former Opinion, that Rocks of Loadſtone, laying on the Bottom of the Sea, can ſtay the Courſe of a Ship that ſails on the Surface of it.

Sir Marin Forbiſher is by Queen Elizabeth ſent to diſcover Greenland.In the ſame Year that Mogens Heinſon went upon the Greenland Diſcovery, the Engliſh Hiſtories inform us, that Captain Martin Forbiſher, an Engliſhman, was by the glorious Queen Elizabeth ſent upon the ſame Errand. This Adventurer got Sight of the Land, but being partly hindred by the Ice, which adhered to it, and partly by the Shortneſs of the Winter Days (for it was late in the Year) he could not approach it, and ſo returned to England again. Next