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of Greenland.
Year in the Spring he went upon the ſame Expedition with three Ships. After having gone through many great Dangers of the Ice and Storms, he at length reached the Shore, Went aſhore and found a wild Nation inhabiting it.where he found a wild and ſavage Nation; who, when they ſaw the Engliſh coming to them, being frightened, left their Huts, and run away to hide themſelves. Some from the higheſt Rocks, threw themſelves into the Sea; whereupon the Engliſh entered their Huts, where they met with no body but an old Woman, and a young one big with Child, thoſe they carried away with them. 'Tis alſo reported, that they here found ſome Sand, which contained Particles of Gold and Silver,He is ſaid to have brought from thence 300 Tuns of Gold and Silver Sand. of which they filled 300 Tuns, and brought it home with them to England. As to this Gold and Silver Sand, I can't help queſtioning whether they found any ſuch on the Greenland Sore, in as much as Sir Martin in the ſame Strain relates wonderful Things of the Politeneſs and CivilityThere are many Things to be queſtioned in the ſaid Relation. of a Nation that dwelt in thoſe Parts; of which he ſays, they were governed by a Prince, whom
