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The Natural Hiſtory

they called Kakiunge; and carried him in State on their Shoulders, clothed in rich Stuffs, and adorned with Gold and precious Stones, which does not at all agree with the Meanneſs and Coarſeneſs of Greenland and its Inhabitants; but rather ſeems to belong to the rich Kingdoms of Peru and Mexico, where Gold and Silver abounds; and from whence he may have brought the above-mentioned Gold and Silver Sand.

But I think it high time to leave ſuch uncertain Relations to their Worth; and turn our Thoughts towards the pious Endeavours of our moſt gracious Sovereigns the Kings of Denmark, to diſcover and recover Greenland again. And we find, that after the Expeditions of Frederick the IId, King Chriſtian the IVth ſends four times Ships to diſcover Greenland.Chriſtian the IVth his Suceſſor, with great Coſts ordered four different Expeditions for this Diſcovery. The firſt was undertaken, under the Command of Godſke Lindenow, with three Ships. And, as the Hiſtory tells, Lindenow with his Ship arrived upon the Eaſt Coaſt of Greenland,
