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of Greenland.

neceſſary for that Purpoſe; both Proviſion and Ammunition, as well as Houſes made of Timber, ready to be erected in that Country. This Ship was taken by the French, and brought into Dunkirk.But this great Deſign miſcarried, the Ship being taken by the French and brought into Dunkirk.

1721. The Greenland Company at Bergen tranſported a Colony to Greenland, which the Author accompanied.Thus, for a long while it ſeemed, that all Thought of Greenland was laid aſide, until the Year 1721; when after many well-meant Invitations, and Projects propoſed by me to the Greenland Company at Bergen in Norway, approved and authoriſed by his late Majeſty Frederick the IVth of glorious Memory, the Company thereupon reſolved not only to ſend Ships, but alſo to ſettle a Colony in Greenland in the 64th Degree, when I went over with my whole Family, and remained there 15 Years. During my Stay I endeavoured to get all the Intelligence that could be procured both by Sea and Land of the preſent State of the Country, and did not loſe my Labour; for I found ſome Places that formerly were inhabited by the old Norwe-