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The Natural Hiſtory

gians, on the weſtern Shore. Which Expedition I have lately treated of in another Treatiſe, and ſet out in all its Circumſtances, and with all the Difficulties it has laboured under: Wherefore I think it needs not to be here repeated.

But, whereas my main Drift and Endeavour has been all along chiefly to diſcover the Eaſtern Diſtrict of Greenland, which always was reckoned the beſt of our ancient Colonies; accordingly I received from the above mentioned Greenland Company at Bergen a Letter in the Year 1723, in which I was told, that it was his Majeſty's Pleaſure, that the Eaſt Diſtrict might likewiſe be viſited and covered. 1723. The Author went to take a Survey of the preſent State of the Eaſt Side.Which the better to effectuate, I took the Reſolution to make this Voyage in Perſon: And accordinly I coaſted it Southwards, as far as to the States Promontory, looking out for the Strait of Forbiſher, which would have been my ſhorteſt way, according to thoſe Carts, which lay the ſaid Strait down in this Place; but
