Page:A descriptive catalogue of Bengali works.djvu/35

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HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. 27 120. (A. B.) DANIEL'S LIFE, Daniel Oiaritra, by Morton, T. S., pp. 345, 3£ as. 1836. Printed at the charge of the American Sunday School Union — Treats, in elegant Bengali, of the History of the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel — Daniel refuses wine in Babylon — Nebuchadnezzar dreams of the great image — Jerusalem destroyed — the golden image — destruction of Tyre — the wonderful buildings of Babylon —dream of the f'eat tree — hanging gardens — Daniel's dreams of the great mpires — Babylon taken by Cyrus — Daniel made Prime Minister— Daniel in the lion's den ; Jews restored to their own country ; Daniel's character. 121. (E. T.) EGYPT, HISTORY OF ANCIENT, IgyptPurabrita, by K.Bannerjea, 1847, pp. 338, 1 Re. Roz. &Co. Taken from Rollin, and the Encyclopaedia Britannica. It treats of the Ancient Cities, Pyramids, Ptolemy's Canal, Nile, the Delta, Egyptian rulers, religion, military power, arts, Ancient History down to the Moslem conquest, fertility of the soil, 122. (A.B.) GALILEO'S LIFE, by K. Baneriea, Ga- lileo Charitra. Roz. 8c Co., 1851, pp. 132, lOas. ; Notices the ancient and modern philosophy, Galileo's discovery of the pendulum, his opposition to Aristotle, discovery of the thermometer and teles- cope, his treatment by the Inquisition, abridged from Bethune's Life of Galileo, in the Library of Useful Knowledge. Adapted to encourage Hindus in opposing the prejudices of their age. 123. GREECE, HISTORY OF, Grish Itilias, Pragya, P. 5 as., 1840, pp. 101. Prepared for the Hindu College Pat- shala, treats of the rise of Greece, Athens, Sparta, Troy, Pelopponnesian War, Philip and Alexander, Grecian learning, games, arts, religion, Government. 124. GREECEJIISTORY OF, Grik Itihas,by Muker- jyea, a student of the Hindu College, pp 396,1 Re. S. B. S. The translation is stiff, it is taken from Goldsmith's Greece. Treats of Lycurgus, Solon, Miltiades ; the Persian Invasion. 126. (E.T.)EMINENT CHARACTERS, Jiban Cha- ritra, pp. 138, 8 as., by Ishwur Chandra Sliarma, 1st cd., 1849, S. P. 4th ed. is in the press. Gives the lives of Copernicus : Galileo: Newton : Ilerschell : Grotius: Linnceus : Duval : Tho- mas Jenkins : Sir W. Jones ; translated from Chamber's Bio-