Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/364

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1722. Aortal valves thick, dense, and contracted, but not ossi- fied. Asc. aorta healthy. In spirit. 1847.

Dr. J. C. Warren.

1723. Two of the aortal valves so completely fused as to form one continuous cavity, excepting some remains within of a septum. This last may, after a time, have disappeared by atrophy, and the case would then have been one of a two- valved aorta. The third is quite distinct, and they are all thickened. 1847. Dr. J. C. Warren.

1724. Very great disease of the aortal valves. Many yellow vegetations upon them, one or two lines in diameter ; and one large group projects from the free edge. One third or more of one of the valves is so far destroyed that the lining membrane of the heart is continuous with that of the aorta, and quite smooth, excepting a few very small vegetations. The heart weighed 15 oz.

From a woman, ^aet. forty-seven, who died of pulmonary disease. (Hospita'l, 212, 29.) ,1861. Dr. C. Ellis.

Ibs. The aortal valves are diseased, and the mitral some- what so.

From a man, set. twenty, who entered the hospital (87, 118), for a gun-shot wound, Dec. 18th. On the 6th of Jan. a very irregular action of the heart was noticed, and the sounds were very loud, with souffles. On the 16th, much distress about the heart, and on the 17th he died. 1860.

Dr. H. J. Bigelow.

1726. A heart that weighed, when recent, 34 oz. Left ventricle

thick, and greatly enlarged ; with much disease of the aortal and some of the mitral valves.

From a hand-cartman, thirty-eight years of age, and healthy in appearance. For three or four years he had been subject to paroxyras of distress, coming on every two or three months, and lasting about three hours ; but not being quite free from trouble during the intervals. He died during one of these attacks, having worked as usual the day before. 1850. Dr. Richard H. Salter.

1727. Portion of the heart, showing disease of the aortal and

mitral valves.

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